I was trying to use this tool here Network Profiler | Unreal Engine Documentation in a binary i connected to my dedicated aws t2.micro instance, which all works.
I typed netprofile once to record, recorded myself moving and shooting lasers for about 30 minutes, and typed netprofile again. the .prof file was created, and i inspected it, and did not see any actors or any other information (as in image below).
I then read that you can enable the network profiler on the server, and i tried to add the “-log -networkprofiler=true” line to the ded server shortcut, but the network profiler wouldn’t start on the server?
in addition to this, i tried using this tool here Profiler Tool Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation and was able to find the “net” group of information in each frame (connected from standalone and typed in “stat startfile” in the console and to stop “stat stopfile”. seemed to create the profile that i could launch in the session front end, and that opens properly.
When I look at the “net group” as in the image, i don’t really think i fully understand what is going on here in terms of where the latency is and what is happening exactly, i know i can search for “net” in the search for filter events textbox in the bottom right, but is this the proper way to do it?
I’m basically just trying to get my game network optimized for multiplayer, and trying to find areas in RPC code and any replicated variables and/or actors that should be set differently or in another way to make the game still play great but have as little packet loss as possible over the network.
In addition to the above, if it’s possible to add a stat to a blueprint node such that it can later display in the profiler, does anyone know the process for this?
Thank you.
i’ve additionally looked at
and just want to make sure i’m on the right track here.