Projection Mapping technique to projects video files on objects?

Hi, Nice blueprint, But I think, where’s the third step? Choose geometry to project onto. The blueprint uses the decals method to project the media on every static mesh in the level. But I want to use 2 or more projectors, one for projecting painted BG image on the wall and another one for projecting foreground pillars and chairs images which at the front of the camera, so there’s a question, how can I add the actors to blueprint, just like a projector whitelist, for choosing geometry to project onto.

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I made some test on scribbler blueprint, but didn’t found how to change the texture in the blueprint.

for Dementium, it was almost what i need, but, for maping projection, usally, it would be cool to choose the camera for projecting and also, the texture should cover the field of view.
like a real projector.

Don’t understand why this texture projection camera technique is not in the base of unreal, as it is in maya, nuke, blender and so many 3d soft ?

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