Hi, could use some help…
This UE5.2.1 project has no scripting or C++ whatsoever, it literally just has a level sequence with animation and particles and such.
Last time I opened it (maybe 3 days ago) it worked on it everything seemed fine. Today, it started crashing while loading.
Assertion failed: ((Result) >= 0) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\OpenXR\Source\OpenXRHMD\Private\OpenXRCore.cpp] [Line: 24]
UnrealEditor_OpenXRHMD UnrealEditor_OpenXRInput UnrealEditor_OpenXRInput UnrealEditor_Core UnrealEditor_Projects UnrealEditor_Projects UnrealEditor_Projects UnrealEditor UnrealEditor_UnrealEd UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor UnrealEditor kernel32 ntdll
There must have been an update, because I literally haven’t touched this project in days.
Couple clues:
I did install a plugin recently and it started asking for updates:
But I haven’t used this plugin at all. I tried removing the plugin, uninstalling 5.2.1, reinstalling it and even re-adding the plugin… none of these makes any difference.
Also note that if I restart my PC an older version of this project loads up as normal. However if I close the project and open it again it starts crashing. The most recent version of the project just crashes no matter what…
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Much love.