Error when launching Engine.


When I try to start the Engine Iit crashes and gives me following Error. Does anybody why?

Assertion failed: ((Result) >= 0) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\OpenXR\Source\OpenXRHMD\Private\OpenXRCore.cpp] [Line: 24]


Having the same issue here; have you found a workaround or fix yet?

Yes I have. For me it worked when changing the OpenXR-Environment variable.
I downloaded OpenXR-Explorer and set it to WMR manually.

Then the engine can open again. After that I manually reassign my OpenXR-Environment variable to SteamVR again.

Let me know if it worked for you.


Hi, thanks for your answer, changed to WMR fixes the same problem I met. But I saw that there is no SteamVR option for me, only WMR. Can I ask how to switch back to SteamVR?



If it doesn’t appear in the list, the easiest option is to go to the SteamVR settings, and it should have an OpenXR tab with a button to set the runtime.

Thank you, it helps a lot

This helps. But after switching to SteamVR, it needs to be changed to WMR every time if I want to open my project now.

For me, I use Quest 2 with Virtual Desktop, and simply just going into the oculus desktop program and going into settings and setting the default xr runtime to oculus fixed it. Not sure why, but it fixed it.

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Well that fixed it. I have no idea why this started happening for me…

I had the same issue. This seems to be a bug in 5.2.

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So far there is no “proper” solution. The issues is related to HMD Headset/Controllers not connected on OpenXR init.
You still can run project with OpenXR plugin Enabled without HMD attached by using -nohmd parameter.
Create the shortcut to your UnrealEditor.exe, then add path to project and -nohmd.

C:\UnrealEngine\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealEditor.exe d:\MyAmazingProject\MyProject.uproject -nohmd

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Amazing fix, thank you so much!

I realised i had my quest 2 connected just to transfer some video files off it. So i just disconnected the cable and the problem went away. - Im sure this will be an issue soon tho once i start to develop for VR. but for now… a quick and easy fix

It works!!!, PICO 4 , UE 5.2.1!

For those just finding this, the problem occured because I downgraded the DX version to DX11 for a different issue, and had to reupgrade to DX12 to fix this one. It was in the DefaultEngine.ini document.

Why is there only change Runtime but no WMR option in my OpenXR Explorer?

What OS version are you using? The WMR runtime was removed from Windows 11 Version 24H2.

win10 21H2

Microsoft has an utility that lets you set the runtime back to WMR: