I do not spend as much time as I would like for the development of games, because the main work and family take up most of my time. Nevertheless, I consider it very important to share our success with other newcomers who are trying to start their journey. That is why I am starting this project, At the moment I am posting a very simple example, which was inspired by tutorial from GameMaker.
Any comments and changes that you will post in this thread are extremely welcome. The goal of this project is to create a community project that will be freely available in the unreal marketplace. Take what you want, change as you want. Any help and comments in thread is appreciated.
Because this is a very early version of the project, the changes that I will do I will try to describe and upload to this thread.
Course TileMap in UE 5.01 still beta got glitch than u open project. To make it appear again u need open Environment_BP and press DEL on TileMap component, and than press ctr+Z to restore it. After that background will appear in playmode.
As busy as your life may be, I must commend you for taking the time out to create a project that the community can build upon, learn from, and experiment with.
Do you have a video showcasing the randomly spawning civilians? Are the civilians designed as a challenging distraction, or do they knock the player off the platform?
Hey its first post from another person in topic, thank u for this. Getting feedback is a great motivation to keep working in this direction.
As I mentioned earlier, I’m in the process of adapting a GameMaker tutorial for the Unreal Engine environment.
Since some things are easier to do in UE, some are harder, and some things I have no idea how to do, this process takes more time than you can imagine. For me, an attempt to repeat game mechanics that are well explained - serves as a good helper in learning the Unreal Engine.
Despite the fact that the main development vector for Unreal Engine is AAA projects and large studios, I see that they also do not leave indie developers and the creation of the Learning Portal is the best confirmation of this. For me, Unreal Engine remains the most convenient engine to work with, which always leaves a pleasant feeling.
But back to the game mechanics of this project.
The main idea of the game is that the higher you climb, the more points you will get.
While you are climbing to the top you are saving the civilians when you collide with them and they parachute down.
Also on your way there will be fire obstacles, on which you cannot stand, you will lose.
Briefly about the main features that I plan to implement:
Civilian rescue system and scores (events on colliding with civilian, civilian score and height score)
Bonus: Jump Effect
Damage system: spawning Fire Obstacles (u can make it safe with Shooting Foam), Losing From Fire, Losing From Falling Down
Animated GUIs
Main menu (Buttons, Fade Transition, Sounds)
Game Over Screen
High Scores
Music and Sound Effects
I upload a new video of current progress to youtube, also in video i showing bug with tilemap and how to solve it.
Hey thanks for reply in post. Course some lazy things and a little time for now, i will make “classic asteroid” remake of gamemaker.
But put in plans this nice game too. Especially games of this genre make you fall into childhood and memories.