Community Project - Space shooter (blueprint)

I do not spend as much time as I would like for the development of games, because the main work and family take up most of my time. Nevertheless, I consider it very important to share our success with other newcomers who are trying to start their journey. That is why I am starting this project, At the moment I am posting a very simple example, which was compiled based on the tutorial from Unity (Space Shooter).
Any comments and changes that you will post in this thread are extremely welcome. The goal of this project is to create a community project that will be freely available in the unreal marketplace. Take what you want, change as you want. Any help and comments in thread is appreciated.

Because this is a very early version of the project, the changes that I will do I will try to describe and upload to this thread.

From Russia with Love.

Current version: 0.1 alpha
Unreal Editor version: 4.23
Discord: UE4 Community Projects

Feel free to download current version here.
Space shooter project files: Download project

Current Features in alpha:

  1. Static Camera
  2. Game area (boundary)
  3. Player Pawn and meshes with material. Rocket fuel VFX.
  4. Materials of hazards and background
  5. Sound VFX and level music
  6. Spawning hazards asteroids with random meshes (waves)
  7. Scoring system
  8. Destroying actors and spawn VFX explosion
  9. Fire rate and laser projectile of player


For correct view of testing project u must start play in “New editor window” with 600x900 resolution.

i think someone would be interested in this thing :smiley: Just bump to revive.