Procedurally generated spline mesh components do not show up in packaged build

I am working on a prototype for my senior capstone class and I was trying to develop a tool to allow a designer to quickly create a procedurally generated race car track. This all works very well in the editor, but none of the spline mesh components seem to be showing up in a packaged build of the game which is obviously a pretty big issue. There seems to be no presence of either the mesh or any of it’s collisions. Here is what some of my code looks like:

Here I am creating the pieces of the track with a for loop that scans through a spline created by the tool.

void ATrackGenerator::BuildTrack(UStaticMesh* trackElementMesh)
	for (int32 i = 0; i < NumSplinePoints - 1; i++)
		SplineMeshConstruct.Add(BuildTrackElement(trackElementMesh, i));


USplineMeshComponent* ATrackGenerator::BuildTrackElement(UStaticMesh* trackElementMesh, int32 loopIndex)
	// Gather Data for element build
	if (loopIndex + 1 >= NumSplinePoints)
		return nullptr;
	int32 localCurrentLoopIndex = loopIndex;
	int32 localNextLoopIndex = loopIndex + 1;
	UStaticMesh* localTrackElementMesh = trackElementMesh;

	FVector localStartLocation;
	FVector localStartTangent;

	SplineComponent->GetLocalLocationAndTangentAtSplinePoint(localCurrentLoopIndex, localStartLocation, localStartTangent);

	FVector localEndLocation;
	FVector localEndTangent;

	SplineComponent->GetLocalLocationAndTangentAtSplinePoint(localNextLoopIndex, localEndLocation, localEndTangent);

	//Create spline mesh component
	USplineMeshComponent* splineMeshComponent = NewObject<USplineMeshComponent>(this, USplineMeshComponent::StaticClass());

	splineMeshComponent->CreationMethod = EComponentCreationMethod::UserConstructionScript;
	splineMeshComponent->AttachParent = SplineComponent;

	splineMeshComponent->SetStartAndEnd(localStartLocation, localStartTangent, localEndLocation, localEndTangent);
	splineMeshComponent->SetStartScale(FVector2D(RoadConstruct[loopIndex].TrackWidth, RoadConstruct[loopIndex].TrackThickness));
	splineMeshComponent->SetEndScale(FVector2D(RoadConstruct[loopIndex].TrackWidth, RoadConstruct[loopIndex].TrackThickness));

	return splineMeshComponent;

In the Editor it looks like this:

In the packaged build it looks like this:

Hey, did you find a solution to this problem?