Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

Ahhh awesome I found it :smiley:

I will definitely add this to my next update! Thanks again :slight_smile:

Hey Jacob!
I increased the Tesselation Density and yes, it does solve the problem partly. There is still that weird wobbling of the ground geometry, especially the grass texture, but not as extreme as before. I’ve opened a third person template, added your package to the project and just created a landscape with the “grass_dirt_cobblestone_puddles” material. Maybe you can reproduce the problem yourself in 4.8.3. If you slowly hover over the ground in editor and playmode, you should see it. It’s quite strange :confused: This is my first tesselated material ever so I can’t tell you if this happens also with other materials of that type. :frowning:

You mean the master_river_flow ? Thanks a bunch, just changed the foam speed and now it looks a bit more natural to me :). Yea maybe you could add water speed controls for slopes and the normal speed somehow in the material instance. That’d be awesome!

UPDATE: So I changed the Tesselation density to about 6-9 and it seems like the wobble-issue is almost gone. Is this value legit ? I mean like, performance-wise ? Because yea if I set it to this value it’s almost not noticable. But I encountered another little issue (I’m so sorry man XD). The flickering of the flat ground is an engine issue, but when I run over my new landscape with your material, I still see the “borders” of the little “sections” of the ground flickering in white, as if I can see the sections from the side (white flickering). This happens only on the bottom of the screen though. The more you lower the camera to the ground (third person character) the better you can see it. I already sculpted the whole ground to get rid of that engine issue flickering but this is something else I guess.

Hey - first of all great work - This pack makes editing trees very easy.

But now I have a big problem. I am unable to cook the project, it always ends with:

RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.

So I created a blank bluebrint project without any contents except the ProceduralNaturePack and tried to pack it - The same.

Errors in the UAT_Log.txt / cook.txt:

[2015.08.27-09.17.16:868]  0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item'. Unknown structure.
[2015.08.27-09.17.16:869]  0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2'. Unknown structure.
[2015.08.27-09.17.16:870]  0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.Temp_struct_Variable2'. Unknown structure.
[2015.08.27-09.17.16:871]  0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point.Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point'. Unknown structure.

Engine Version is UE 4.8.3 launcher version and built from source engine.

When removing the ProceduralNaturePack from the project, everything compiles fine.

Any advice would be appreciated - Thanks a lot.

Same problem here as well. Do any of you with the “wobble” terrain use ATI cards ? I’ve tried everything but still the same issue…this might be a problem with the engine after all, but who knows.

It’s ok man, it’s not your fault haha. Have you already tried building everything? Sometimes that seems to fix any weird terrain issues also?

The 6-9 basically means the distance from the player that the terrain is still tessellated at. It isn’t a number in any form of distance or measurements, but basically the tessellation continues on a god distance away from the player where you may not be gaining as much from it. If you don’t notice any major performance issues after you adjusted the values you should be fine!

Thanks !
Thanks for the error log as well, I have received this error from another user as well and am in contact with Epic to try to solve what may be causing it. The Error always relates to the Tree Twist Per Spline Point and the master Tree root spline. So we at least have it narrowed down, but I am not sure what at this point is causing the issue. It may be a folder structure problem and I just need to make sure there are no missing references with this. I will send them this error also and see if it can help them to come up with a solution quicker. I’ll get this sorted out and updated as soon as I can!

I have also started a thread on the Unreal Engine answers hub if you want to follow it!

  • Jacob

Also if you guys could provide me with a dxdiag, I can send that over to EPIC and post it in the answers hub to see if it may be related in any way. Thanks!

Thanks for your quick response. The machine I work on runs Win10, but yesterday I also tried it on a Win7 Laptop without luck. I attached the DXDiag for you!


So I tried to build it and the flickering on the bottom of the screen is still there. Also in editor mode. Its also a tesselation issue it seems.

Thanks, I’ll forward this over to EPIC to see if it helps in the search for a fix. Thanks for your patience

Hmm that’s definitely odd. Has anyone else experienced this flickering issue so far?


Here you can see what I mean. These holes appear on the bottom of the screen when running around. As if the sections do not fit together sometimes.

Another question I have: How can I adjust the strength of the foam on the edge of rocks and other obstacles in the water ? Seems like there is no foam at all on the edges.

Loving the pack very much, but having some trouble with grass (and maybe some small stones) - shadows dont cast over them, instead they keep glowing as in sunlight.

Changeing light map resolution or light map coordinate index have fixed the issue for many other objects. But the trick dont work for the grass. Is there some other settings I should try?

Hi IceDealer,

So I have been looking into this a bit and it is definitely engine related. It has to do with the way that the “adaptive tessellation” works in the engine and how it tries to determine where to add polygons to a mesh and when. In general it does a good job of this and it is basically never noticed by the user, but in cases like my grass material which is incredibly varies with each individual grass blade it has trouble with this and causes errors. I have a fix for you, that is not ideal, but it does work.

If you open the “master_terrain_blend” material and off to the left in the properties panel you will scroll down to where you see “Adaptive Tessellation” and turn this feature off. Then just make sure not to set your tessellation density on the black material instances any higher than 1. You will not get as much detail in your heightmap, but it will fix this issue for you as well as the wobbling of the terrain. The reason this is bad though, is this means there will be an even number of polygons across the entire terrain no matter how far from the camera. So the terrain will be fully tessellated at all times, but if you keep Tessellation Density at 1 or below it shouldn’t affect performance for you. I hope this helps and basically there isn’t much I can do about the way the engine handles the adaptive tessellation unfortunately, but this is at least some kind of solution for you :slight_smile:

As for the river foam, try adjusting your “Depth Shoreline” and “Depth Shoreline Falloff” in the material instance “river_flow_b”
You can also try turning on and off the “foam_depth_based_opacity” to see what that does for you. “foam fade” “foam intensity” and “foam contrast” may also help :slight_smile:

Hi SaOK,
I have only seen this happen before when I have not built my level yet? Does building your level fix the issue for you? Has lightmaps been disabled on the assets? Also what version of the engine are you running? Thanks

Hey can you try cleaning up the Redirectors in the Procedural Nature Pack folder and see if that fixes the issue? Here is a picture of what I mean.

  • Right click on the main folder “Procedural Nature Pack” and select “Fix Up Redirectors In Folder”
  • Then it should take a moment and ask if you want to Delete a few things and go ahead and click “Delete” at the bottom. Then try cooking again and see if that fixes it? Thanks!

Hey Jacob!

Thanks for the In-Depth explanation on how to fix it! Yesterday I tried a different tesselated material and it’s indeed the same issue there. Though in 4.7 there’s no problem it seems.
I also fixed the issue yesterday by setting the “Max Displacement” in the “master_terrain_blend” material to about “80”. The holes were gone. Don’t know if it affects performance much though or if it’s a good alternative to turning off “Adaptive Tesselation” ?

Also managed to make the foam on the shoreline work! Thanks a bunch! :slight_smile:

Great pack you have here, probably one of the best on the marketplace right now!

And definitely the best river-tool (which was needed baaaadly) until now !!! :slight_smile:

Thanks, disabled now whole static lighting feature in my project and the glowing issue also ended.

I’ve got another question regarding the river: Sometimes it doesnt render in front of another material but only in certain camera angles. (see screenshot below)

Glad to hear you got it working and thanks for the compliments that’s awesome! Thank you

As for your river issue, I believe it is related to sort priority issues with the river and the water you have below it both being translucent materials. Here is some documentation on it.

Awesome news :smiley:

Hi Jacob,

tried it, it deleted some redirects but without luck. I also tried to cook the project on the new (fresh installed) 4.9 Engine - The same problem.

Just to confirm my workflow:

  • Starting the Editor
  • Creating a new blank project without starter content
  • Adding your pack via the EPIC-Launcher-Library (“Add to Project”) to the project
  • Packaging for Windows 64 (32bit is the same result)


Hi ,

I believe I have solved the cooking issue :slight_smile:
I have attached some images with steps on the simple 3 step process to fix the problem. There were a couple of files I seemed to have left in the Package while I was testing on a new spline tool I am making. Please let me know if this works, but I tested it and it should do the trick for you! Thanks for waiting and thanks for supporting the pack again.
Take care


I will be submitting this update to the pack shortly to EPIC. So it will be fixed for all!

Hey guys, got another update coming your way! Here are the release notes and it should be updated before the end of the week :slight_smile: So stay tuned!

  1. Fixed issue where the user would have trouble cooking the pack when ready (Removed problem blueprints and Data Array’s)
  2. Water- Fog Plane issue in distance (This is caused when the user has both Exponential Fog and Atmospheric Fog in their level. In order to fix the problem seen with the translucent material, the user has to disable either 1 of the two fog options so that there is only 1 fog being used)
  3. Water- Add spline point numbers floating above each spline point to help with scaling the river (See Picture Below)
  4. Fix Wobbling Terrain Tessellation (Created new heightmaps with less variation for the grass to reduce wobbling. Left old heightmap textures in the files incase you preferred them more. The old files are titled with a -1 at the end of their name)
  5. Look into some foliage turning black and why (This is caused from the skylight. The fix is to simply change it’s type from Static to Moveable)
  6. Added a new tree branch spline that does not have the auto scaling feature. As the original would auto scale the branches to get smaller and smaller towards the end of the branch. Now you can select the standard branch spline or use the branch spline with “no_auto_scale”

