Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

Hi Axxi, I will definitely be providing updates for the pack with some of the new features. So don’t worry about that. I only just mean I will be looking into new features as i create it as well as more optimization to make it work better in larger games :slight_smile:

As for exporting the trees, there are a few options to set them up as instances so that it is much more efficient, but it may require a small amount of work re applying proper materials and getting it to work how you want. But it’s absolutely possible.

  1. You can export the tree meshes and into a program like max or maya as 1 piece and re-import them into the engine and re-apply the shaders to the model. Here is a video on how to export models from Unreal Engine.

  2. The other way to do it, is called “Merge Actors.” This is all I can find about it online, but they tell you where everything is and you can experiment with it from there. Combining Static Mesh in Editor - Asset Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums
    You would need to apply wind and tessellation to the new Shaders though to make it look correct. I hope that helps!

I tryed both, on the export option the mesh is like 1000 km away from the origin don’t know what’s wrong with the export tool and the merge tool is really screwed up

Edit: I tryed again the merge tool this time worked and with a bit of external UV fixes looks very easy to make trees

That’s great to hear that you got it working Axxi :slight_smile:
At some point i can try to make a video also to show the best way to export and reimport trees into the engine using the splines. It may be a little while as i won’t be having much free time coming up, but I’ll try to get to it when i can for sure.

Axxi - I know that may seem funny, but check if your translate ( mesh position settings ) are set to centre of the scene in your 3d editor program.

Best Regards

it’s not about the editor , if you export a spline mesh and than just reimport it back in the origin is 10 km away from the geometry i guess it takes the origin of the level and sets the mesh to that point instead of centering it around the mesh itself

yea it was like I said , if you try to export and reimport it back in you need to move the spline mesh to Location 0 0 0 and then export the selected and it will work :smiley:

Hey guys, im trying to import a 4096x4096 map with the “blank” material for painting, very low fps when i import it, is there any ways to correct this? or can i i paint it inside the landscape without the material? i really with to use this with the landscape heightmap :confused:

try to turn tessellation off

Glad you got this sorted out! :slight_smile:

Hi pr0ace,
I’m not entirely sure what you are asking. I believe you want to create a landscape layer to paint your own texture in addition to the ones I provided with the pack? There is some great documentation for that that Unreal Created. I hope it helps!

Hello Jacob-3D
I love the pack, it is really great and I am looking forward for the new features! One question: Is there a way to modify the BP splines for root and branch so they can be animated? like growing trees… I was looking at them and tried setting up some timelines to some variables on eventgraph… but your BPs set up is much more advanced that my knowledge of BPs… maybe some pointers? maybe something to consider for future releases?

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Thanks so much for the feedback catalejo :smiley:
That would be aawwweeesomee!! Animated trees :slight_smile: Good idea

I don’t quite know how to set that up, as I haven’t done a lot of matinee stuff or animation inside of the Unreal Engine. So I’m not quite sure what parameters to expose, but definitely something I will look into and share if I figure out :slight_smile:

Hi Jacob!
Great pack, amazing assets and scene. I just bought it and wanted to use it in my own project. I followed your tutorial on youtube and there’s a little problem I’m having with the materials. Once I apply them to my own landscape, when I slowly move my camera (in editor and in play-mode) the ground geometry is wobbling, as if it is changing its geometry slightly all the time. Is that normal ? I’m using 4.8.3. Maybe a problem with the tesselation ?

That’s probably the Landscape LOD issue, check your LOD settings.

@wielkiczarnyafgan: Thx for the tipp. I’ve checked the settings on the landscape but they are the same as in the demo scene. Max LODLevel: -1, Export LOD = 0. LODDIstacneFactor = 1 and LDFalloff = Linear. Any other idea what could cause that weird behavior ? :frowning:

UPDATE: I’ve checked also the demo scene and it seems like there’s the same behavior on the grass material only. The rock and dirt material (Layer 2 and 3) behave correctly, only when I paint the grass material the ground starts “moving”. Can anyone reproduce this effect ? Oh and it seems that in my own scene, rock and dirt material “wobble” too :frowning:

Also I wanted to ask you how I can adjust the water speed on slopes ? IMO I think it’s too fast in the demo scene.

Yes I have the same issue.

i have the same problem, i have tried many time but impossible for me to create my own landscape with this materials … :frowning:

Hey guys,
Hmm that’s strange I can’t seem to reproduce this in my scene, but perhaps you can try going into the “terrain blended materials” folder and open the material instance you are applying to the terrain. Then try increasing the number for “Tessellation Density” and see if that fixes the issue? It must be more noticeable on the grass ground texture because of the more intense variation from the blades of grass being tessellated out from the landscape. Have you guys noticed this with any other tessellated terrain materials you yourself made or from the marketplace? I may just have to adjust the heightmap of the grass to not have so much variation in it so that it’s less noticeable.

As for the river material, you can change the max speed of the river by going into the “master_river_water” material and off to the left side of the material graph you will see the the “Panner” nodes lerping between a slower speed panner and faster speed panner. There should be about 3 of these lerps for the normals and 2 of these lerps for the foam at the top of the material graph. Just decrease the max speed of these panner nodes and it will set your water to whatever speed you want on the slopes. I hope that helps!

Perhaps I should add a node to set “Max water speed” to be exposed in the material instances? What do you guys think

Jacob-3D, thanks for such a fantastic product. Really enjoying messing with it and tweaking.

I have a suggestion for an update. In the Learn tab of the UE4 launcher, Epic has the ‘Blueprint Spline Track’ example. Part of the blueprint I really like is that each spline node has a number floating above it that corresponds with the number in the detail panel (this can be toggled on and off in the blueprint). This makes it really easy to find the exact point you want to edit the width of. Could a feature like this be implemented into your system as an update? This would really useful for those of us that have long and complex river splines. Counting each point over and over slows you down and gets a bit annoying.

Anyways, thanks again! Looking forward to updates and future products from you.

Thanks for the compliments! That is a really good suggestion :slight_smile:
I was actually trying to add this but couldn’t figure out how to do it, because I got a bit annoyed myself having to count haha. Was there a youtube video that went with it? Or anything you could link me to? Thanks


Bottom row.