Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

That’s no problem haha.

It’s definitely possible to set up a material like that, but essentially the “mud” is a slightly different version of the dirt texture and i think adding in a whole nother layer for it may cause problems if all of the materials overlap in one sector as a single sector can only display 16 texture lookups at once. My recommendation would be too simply paint the puddles layer on top of the dirt at a very low strength like 0.05 or 0.1 to make the dirt wet like mud :slight_smile:
Give that a try and let me know how you like it!

sure, thanks for support!

I’ll give it a wallop to see what it looks like… once I get everything re-installed after doing a clean install for Windows 10…


Can the trees from your pack be painted onto the ground via the foliage tool ?

Another question:
As far as I see, there is no wind sway animation for tree trunk ( there is one, but only for the branches ), what makes trees look little unrealistically… Tree trunk could move itself in the X axis to simulate wind reaction. That’s my opinion ( please check Witcher 3 or any other new-gen PC game to see what I am talking about ). Is there a chance for such animation to be added in next updates ?

Best regards

Hi wielkiczarnyafgan,
Unfortunately I am unsure of a way to paint the blueprint spline trees using the foliage tool. If I see anything about it or find out more about that being a possibility I can considering it for a future update or another procedural pack.

As for the wind sway animation, I have this on my bug list as I learn more about wind. Others have mentioned it also and I am definitely looking into it, but there may be a few updates before this is an option. Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:

I can confirm that if you use speedtree, then you can create a foliage type using that model, which can then be included in the foliage to be painted. Any object/model can be turned into a foliage type. What I’m curious about, but haven’t tried yet, is to include a grass layer in the base material, and then creating a grass foliage type, to see if I can make the package “auto-place” grass / foliage / rocks / etc… depending on the material that is painted.

Hi Savior,
I think i heard about this in Epics engine update, but haven’t had a chance to try it yet. Please let me know how it goes :slight_smile: thanks!

Very nice product, i will buy later due to river and rock features. Tree tools are nice, but main reason i wont be using it, is becouse Speedtree shaders are more optimized to handle large populated worlds.

hello! why that river looks so “pixalizated” for some angles we look at it? and what is that same character reflection? even if im near or far from the river, camera up or down, the same reflection occurs, so gross, im new to it don’t how to configurate some stuff… see this link with the image. thanks! is there anyway i can make this pack to work with quixel textures? again thanks

Hi pr0ace!
I responded to your private message with the answer :slight_smile:

For everyone else, I am sending in an update for the pack to Epic with some bug fixes and updates. Thanks!

Hi janpec!
Thanks for the compliments :slight_smile:
Yes the speedtree assets are currently more optimized for large open world games. It is possible to use the “Merge Actors” tool inside of the engine to atlas the textures and get a more optimized asset. It is still in experimental stages from EPIC but you could possible give it a try!

Hey guys, the Pack has had its first bug fix update to take care of some of these initial problems that you guys are experiencing using the pack.
Here is a list of the updated bugs/features.

  1. Terrain - Fixed holes in the landscape terrain materials
  2. Water- Fixed water distortion issue creating a double image on assets in front of it (gave option to use refraction instead of distorted screen image)
  3. Water - Updated water with tessellation to deform with the speed and intensity of the river
  4. Water - Look into screen space reflections with the water to look correct (Turned off screen space reflections for the time being, but can be turned back on in master_river_material)
  5. Water - Exposed Parameter for reflectivity of water surface
  6. Water - Adjusted Foam Population to work using either depth based population or a simply addition overlay on top of the water surface
  7. Look into some foliage turning black and why (Adjusted LOD lightmaps and textures to fix the issue, please build your level and this should no longer be occuring with the update)
  8. Delete second directional light in Overview_Map
  9. Rocks- Updating worldspace moss blend texture to create softer transition lines
  10. Tree - Update worldspace moss blend texture to create softer transition lines

This is just the first update and here are some of the features still to come in future updates!

  1. Find a better wind system for the trees, vines and branches
  2. Research the “weld intersecting assets” speedtree with branches
  3. Water- Fix Seam in Water Spline caused by reflection sphere captures
  4. Add branches and options so the leaves don’t look so flat on the tree’s
  5. Research the merge actors tool for more optimized trees
  6. Fix Gimbal Lock spline twisting issue when curving spline past 90 degrees vertically

thats awesome !
thx for updating, and cant wait to get the next updates, too :wink:

one question. after i updated the pack in my unreal library, do i have to sort of update all my projects that use your pack ? or is this done automaticly by ue4 ?
kind regards

Hi stucki,

That is actually a great question. I haven’t done this myself yet, but from what I have heard from other users who have updated, they simply “Add to Project” in a new project and copy/replace the nature pack files in their actual working project. I am not sure if this is the right way to do it, but I have heard it working for people. You can always ask by creating a thread to see how best to update packs. You can also email EPIC to see what they suggest as the best way to update your project with the new files at this email.

I hope that helps and let me know if you experience any issues with the update! Thanks!

Thank you Jacob, awesome work, i did what you told me and that fixed the issue, maybe you had made some tweaks to the update, and the water looks awesome now!

Thank you again!

Hey pr0ace, glad it helped!
Yeah I updated the water a bit so i’m glad you like the new features! Thanks

Hey, I really like the pack, but I’d like to know if there’s any plans to separate the features. I myself am interested in the river/terrain/rock assets and since I only use UE4 as a hobby, 70$ is a bit steep for me. Any chance to get these assets as separate packs and buy them on gumroad ?

I made some Palms using the Tree Branch Spline they look kinda dumb still trying to learn this thing :smiley:

Hi Dlem,
Feel free to send me an email and we can chat more.

That’s awesome!! So cool to see that you’re using your own assets with it :slight_smile:
With vol.2 I’m planning to allow for even more customizability and options. It’s really exciting to see people enjoying this so far! Thank you for sharing

when I see vol.2 all I see is more money :frowning: would like an update not another pack :frowning: or atleast a lower price for us who allready purchased the vol.1, the tree thing is nice but I can’t export and I can’t use it in a game becouse it’s not instanced so this pack is all about the rocks river and landscape mats , would like to see a way to use this spline trees in a large world game