Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

[2015.09.02-08.24.20:083]  0]LogInit:Display: LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item'. Unknown structure.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:085]  0]LogInit:Display: LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2'. Unknown structure.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:086]  0]LogInit:Display: LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.Temp_struct_Variable2'. Unknown structure.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:087]  0]LogInit:Display: LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property 'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point.Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point'. Unknown structure.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:089]  0]LogInit:Display: LogTextLocalizationManager:Warning: Loaded localization resources contain conflicting entries for (Namespace:ContentBrowser, Key:ImportAssetToolTip):
Localization Resource: (D:/UnrealEngine/Epic Games/4.8/Engine/Content/Localization/Editor/en/Editor.locres) Source String Hash: (-630476809) Localized String: (Import to {0}...)
Localization Resource: (D:/UnrealEngine/Epic Games/4.8/Engine/Content/Localization/Editor/en/Editor.locres) Source String Hash: (1271782899) Localized String: (Imports an asset from file to this folder.)
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:090]  0]LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Warning: Can't find file '/Game/Architecture/SM_Floor_400x400'
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:091]  0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to load '/Game/Architecture/SM_Floor_400x400': Can't find file '/Game/Architecture/SM_Floor_400x400'
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:091]  0]LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Game/Architecture/SM_Floor_400x400.SM_Floor_400x400'
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:092]  0]LogInit:Display: LogLinker:Warning: FloatProperty_449 has an inappropriate outermost, it was probably saved with a deprecated outer (file: ../../../../../../Eigene Dateien/Documents/Unreal Projects/Test/Content/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.uasset)
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:092]  0]LogInit:Display: CookResults:Warning: Warning Unable to generate long package name for FloatProperty_449. Path should start with a '/'
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:093]  0]LogInit:Display: LogCook:Warning: Unable to generate long package name for FloatProperty_449. Path should start with a '/'
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:094]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh1'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0F7A
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:095]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh2'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0FB2
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:096]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh3'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0FEA
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:097]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh4'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:1022
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:098]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.Static Mesh Component_10: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:099]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_0: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:100]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_17557: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:101]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_11: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:102]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_1: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:103]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_2: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:104]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_12: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:105]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_3: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:105]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_4: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:107]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_5: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:108]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_6: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:108]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_7: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:109]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_8: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:110]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_9: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:111]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_10: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:112]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_13: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:112]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_14: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:113]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_15: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:114]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_16: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:115]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_17: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:117]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_3.StaticMeshComponent_18: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:118]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh1'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0F7A
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:119]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh2'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0FB2
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:121]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh3'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0FEA
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:122]  0]LogInit:Display: LogScript:Warning: Accessed None 'BranchMesh4'
	master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4
	Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:1022
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:123]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_11: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:123]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_12: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:124]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_19: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:125]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.Static Mesh Component_10: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:126]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_20: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:127]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_21: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:128]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_17557: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:128]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_22: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:129]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_23: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:130]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_24: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:131]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_25: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:132]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_26: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:133]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_27: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:133]  0]LogInit:Display: LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_4.StaticMeshComponent_28: Material index 1 is invalid.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:134]  0]LogInit:Display: NOTE: Only first 50 warnings displayed.
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:134]  0]LogInit:Display: 
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:134]  0]LogInit:Display: Failure - 4 error(s), 1496 warning(s)
[2015.09.02-08.24.20:135]  0]LogInit:Display: 

Hey Jacob,

seems like Jesse screwed it up :smiley: (Nevermind ^^)

The errors still occur. But no matter, I will wait for the update and report back.

Many thanks for your effort!

Hahaha dang. There is one other thing i did. Could you check in your project folder, then under, CONFIG and open the default engine.ini. Make sure there isn’t anything about derived data cache at the bottom? If there is delete the whole section. It may look something like this. And slipped in in other test i was doing. Derived Data Cache | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

Hmm nothing about DDC in there, take a look:






Hmm Yeah that all appears correct. I received an email back from another person experiencing the cooking problem and here is how he said he got it working in addition to my 3 steps. So DON’T actually delete something, he is simply saying he click delete on the file in order to get the pack to recognize that some files have been updated. Basically the main point here is that the vine spline and the tree root spline need to be recompiled and saved and everything rebuilt after you delete the things that I mention in the pictures. So here is how he got it to do that.

"Hold the phone I just figured out the trick. What I need to do to get it working in addition to your 3 steps is, open your demo scene, attempt to force delete the tree-twist-data, at which point it comes up with an error window saying its in use or something- say ok. I then open my scene, which then unreal asks to save 2 files (sorry I didn’t write down what they were) say ok. Now when I package my scene it works!

Thanks for the fix! If anyone else is having issues tell them to try what I just did to get it working."

Hope that helps

Yehaww - that does the trick. Here’s the video :smiley: (sorry I am not a native english speaker)

-> Link to Video - for fullscreen bla bla.

I mistakenly used 4.9 for the video, but it works.

Thanks for your support. All I have to do now, is to get my Laptop out of the AlbuquerquePD evidence room.

Take care.

begins to wonder why the Laptop is IN the AlburquerquePD evidence room :rolleyes:

Awesome!! Glad it worked :slight_smile:
My files have just been accepted for the pack update and so the new update should be on the marketplace in the next couple of days. In the meantime thanks for the video :slight_smile:

Hahaha I think he is relating to some Breaking Bad jokes we were making earlier lol

Hi there, continuing on from my comments on your marketplace page…
Firstly, I’ll take this opportunity to say that you have some great tools in this package, thank you for your dedication to it and your customers.

I have tried a few things out concerning the low FPS and I found that the terrain material needs to have a distance fade to work on a large landscape. I am currently trying to add this to your material but I am still learning UE4 and also learning that everybody does things differently.

Hi Drogsterfloggy,
Thanks so much! I definitely do my best to respond to everyone and help out in a timely manner.

As for the low FPS, yes the terrain tessellation is an option. I actually used to have a distance fade applied to the terrain, but it was causing holes in the terrain and I ultimately decided it was best to remove it. There is still distance fade in the material instance, but it is now called “Tessellation Density” and specifies how dense you want the terrain tessellation to be. I would suggest adjusting this to see how it helps your frame rate. Some other options are to use the “Merge Actors Tool” adjusting the lighting to be static, turning off shadows or reducing quality, turn off or lowering tessellation on the tree assets, as well as reducing the number of spline points per tree. Every spline point on the tree adds another draw call, so the GPU has to run another pass on it while rendering it which takes only 0.001ms or less, but when this happens over and over it can start to add up. Also reducing the number of branches on trees can help as well. I hope that helps!

Thanks for the tips.

How do I export the tree spline meshes so I can use them in a 3D editor? I can’t find a way, apart from using Editor Export option which only seems to export the base mesh.
I want to try and add vertex shading to the trees once exported so I can try another wind method. I have found a plugin for 3DS Max called Pivot Painter, I used it briefly about a year ago with some success.

Also, is it possible to export the river spline to a mesh once my river is finished?

Thanks, Dan.

Hi again. I have just updated the package, just for your info…
I am still having to add to a 4.8 project and migrate assets to my 4.9 project but the river spline and all the other spline tools don’t migrate without an error saying ‘not all assets could be exported’.
The numbering system would be extremely useful but it seems that that is one of the bits that fail to migrate, the river tool still works ok but doesn’t show the numbers.

Also, is it possible to change the spline mesh for just certain segments of the whole river, the same way you would with Epics standard spline tool? I believe this would solve my problem regarding needing to ‘branch’ the river into two.

Keep up the good work.

Hi Dan,

Thanks for your patience, I was out of town this labor day weekend and unable to respond to your questions/comments.
For exporting the Tree’s here is a comment from earlier in the thread that can hopefully help you out exporting the tree splines. Perhaps this is what you are already doing when you say it only exports the base mesh?

From there you should be able to combine all of the meshes in 3ds max or maya, merge the connecting vertices and then apply the vertex colors that you were hoping for.

As for the migrating of the assets, I don’t believe that my update has actually hit the marketplace yet, as I have not heard back from EPIC yet as to it being posted up, so I’m wondering what the error is referring to that you are getting… hmmm. But I will be sure to notify all of you when the update is officially out and your Unreal Launcher should also notify you that there is an update for the pack. Hopefully the 4.9 version should be out soon and if it isn’t out within 45 days as Epic states, then I will manually update the pack and have it updated for everyone. Until then we are just waiting on Epic to flag it as working. Thanks

Currently I don’t have an option to swap individual spline meshes unfortunately, but you can always use some rocks within the river here and there to help cover up the transition seam a bit for now. Or possibly lead the river into just a flat plane with the water material on it and then have two seperate splines split off from the flat plain to make it work? This is definitely an awesome idea though and I think I would like to add it at some point. Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

  • Jacob

No worries, your replies are timely enough for me, I only get a couple of hours per day at my project so I can just concentrate on other things if I need to.
I have already used the ‘rocks trick’ to hide the join, here is my progress so far on that part of my map.


After playing with the settings for your river, I think I have got a pretty realistic looking stream and mill pond. (I am loving the tessellation when you have a steep angle btw, thumbs up to that)

Regarding exporting the trees and river… the 2nd link you posted is perfect. The first method just seems to export the original mesh you would use to construct the tree. I think I should be able to paint new vertex shaders onto the complete exported spline so no need to do the first method anyway… so far…

The river splines still seem to exhibit the behaviour ‘pre update’ so I think a few of the fixes have failed to migrate.
I am hoping that a reflection issue I have run into also just needs to wait for the update. If I ‘shoot’ an object over the stream, the reflection of the projectile is a bit crazy, also, if I use the First Person Character (with the blue silly gun) the gun gets reflected in the water, way out in front of the character. No worries though, minor tribulations… I can wait. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the new tips.

EDIT: I would also echo IceDealer’s comment about the water disappearing under other materials, but only from certain angles. I think this is to do with having transparency on both objects. I have run into this even before I had your pack though, so I am suspecting it’s an engine limitation. FYI: I have just tried using some of the splashes from Epics ‘Effects Cave’ sample but, the splashes don’t render at all in front of the water.
I have read (or maybe heard on your video) that you were possibly going to look at adding a couple of splash effects, did you have any progress on that?

River BP no longer scales a spline point

Also a distance the background under the river BP can been seen.

Oh this is looking really cool so far! I like the idea with the river dam that you have to branch off the river like that. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you got the export working properly! Yeah the translucent materials drawing incorrectly on top of each other is related to the engine and it can only be fixed as I mentioned by changing the “sort priority” per asset or FX. I have not been able to look into the splashes and FX for the river yet, but it still on my list when I can get the time to fix it.

Ahh dang, fix one thing and another breaks haha, I will try to get to this as soon as I can.
As for the background being seen under the river, this is intended as that is the “shoreline” and all of those settings can be changed inside of the “river_water_b” material instance if it doesn’t suite your specific needs. So you can adjust some of the numbers and make the river look how you would like :slight_smile: Thanks for finding this!

Hi FrankieV
I already have a fix for this which i submitted to Epic games tonight. Sorry that i missed this when I submitted the most recent fix. But this should take care of all of the problems and we should have a pretty stable pack at this point :slight_smile:
Until the pack is update (I submitted a version 4.9.0 also btw WOO!!!) Here is a fix on how you can get the river scale working again.

Open up the “master_river_spline” under the “Spline_BluePrints” folder in the nature pack. Then follow the instructions of this picture. The pack should be updated shortly. Thanks for your patience!

Ok I’ve got another question: Tessellation Fade, it’s in the material layers but not plugged in. What does it do and how can I activate it ? Does it reduce the amount of polys in the distance ?

Thanks for the patch.

Tool tips on the instanced values would be nice.

The problem with the texture is not with the edging but with the tendency of the material applied to river and waterfall to act like a magnifying glass.

There is not a “river_water_b”. I assume you mean river_flow_b or river_flow_a?

A few suggestions.

Love the trees in the demo scene and you could add value by making a few prefabs.

I’ve been copying a few of the ready made’s into my level and modifying to fit so a few component BP’s would be a nice touch.

Hey man,

Yeah it basically allows you to set the distance that the tessellation fades out, but it was creating some holes in the terrain so I unhooked it all, but left it there incase you want to use it. You can watch the youtube video I made for it and basically do the opposite of what i say in the video haha. So that you can see how to “re-hook” it all back up :slight_smile:

It starts at 6:20 and you can follow along. If it doesn’t make holes in your terrain, feel free to give it a try!

  1. That would actually be really cool to add tool tips, I just don’t know how to do that. I still have a lot to learn with the Unreal Engine, but that would be great for everyone!
  2. Yes sorry about that, i meant river_flow_b
  3. I’d really like to make those Pre-fabs too! But I actually have to learn how to do that as well, but these are all very good ideas :slight_smile: Thanks. Any help on where I can learn that stuff would be awesome!

Thanks a lot! I just found out the Tesselation Density Slider does pretty much the same :), it reduces the polygons too. The problem FrankieV mentioned above with the water having a weird line that is somehow transparent in the waterfall - I have that too. Do you know how I could prevent that from appearing ? If you look closely at the waterfall from different positions and distances you might see it too.