Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

The spotlight is on you @Jacob-3D! :slight_smile: Just to let others know that for this week only Jacob’s excellent marketplace content is on sale! I’ve been patiently waiting for this day and will be picking up a few of your packs soon. If only I knew this was going to happen during the recent sale I would’ve held back a bit :rolleyes:. Thanks for your hard work and support mate.

That’s great! I’m glad that worked out for you with the Tessellation Density :slight_smile: Yeah I will try to get some tooltips onto the instance parameters at some point to make it easier for everyone. Ahh yes I do notice it that line in the river… Hmm I will add that to my list and try to get it sorted out when I can. In the meantime, enjoy the pack and thanks again!

Haha Thanks man I really appreciate it :slight_smile: I’m very humbled that Epic has done all of this and it’s very motivating the communities response to my work. You guys are the reason I make this stuff! It’s too much to handle and it feels great to offer the discounts to everyone to allow others a chance at picking up the packs at a lower price :smiley: All the best and I hope if you get a chance to pick up any of the packs that you enjoy them

So I think I have a dumb question but I have been up for over 24hr and might be a little crazy. I cannon for the life of me figure out what material to put in the landscape to get it to blend correctly with the procedural grass. I currently put the blend master in the land scape so I have the three layers; with this I have not been able to get the grass output to work correctly. Any help with this would be welcome. Thanks in advance, Love the Pack and everything else you have put on the marketplace (I have purchased it all).

Purchased! This and the splines. Cannot wait to get stuck in. I’ve still got my eye on the Modular Building Set but it’ll have to be another time…sadly :frowning:

Thanks so much for all of the support guys! You’re really awesome and I totally appreciate the comments and feedback :slight_smile:
Thats ok Naveed, the Building Set isn’t going anywhere :wink: haha

Hi Imonin!
That’s not a dumb question, it’s very common in fact. I’m really happy to hear you are enjoying the packs :slight_smile:
If you have a chance to take a look at the Tips and Tricks video for the Nature pack, it should tell you everything you need to know and answer your terrain questions!

Creating a terrain and adding materials can be found at 3:38 in the video. You will be looking in the folder called “terrain_blended_materials” and applying one of those 4 shaders to your terrain. Let me know if you have any other questions

  • Jacob

Jacob - Congrats this is truly and awesome pack. One quick question. When I create my trees, and even on some of your videos the leaves on the branches kind of has a bit of a flat bitmap feel to it. Is there anything one can do about creating a better volume feel to them?


Thanks so much MrMrC :slight_smile:
I hope you are enjoying it so far! Yes I understand your concern and it has been on my list for future updates. I wanted to take care of any bugs and issues first and will be moving onto asthetic improvements for future updates. In the mean time you are free to implement your own models to alleviate this issue, but rest assured at some point in the future there will be an update with a new branch/leaf model :slight_smile:

  • Jacob

Purchased this pack, which looks awesome btw, however I just have one small issue. I’m following the tips and tricks video and I can’t get the puddles to work (around minute 06:00 in the video). All I get is just dark spots, but no water/puddles. I’m using UE 4.9.

Any idea on what could be the problem and how to fix it?

Cool. Sounds good.

Hey, just saw your pack is on sale and am thinking about getting it. I’m just wondering though if you release an updated version of this pack (like a version 2.0 for example) at some point, will existing owners get the upgrade too or would we have to purchase the new updated pack?

Also, I see this point in your recent update.

This concerns me as wouldn’t changing the skylight to Moveable be a big performance hit as it’s lighting effects will no longer be baked into the lightmap but rather computed at runtime? Maybe I’m wrong, but just wanted to ask as it doesn’t sound right to have a skylight set to anything other than Static.

Hey wilberolive,

I’ll go in order for your questions :slight_smile:

  1. Any and all updates to the pack will be free to users until the end of time. The only case is such as I will be coming out with a vol.2 and that refers to the assets that come with a pack. So creating an entirely different nature pack with brand new assets, textures, features, and a new theme such as snow or desert wouldn’t be part of an update. As the amount of work involved in creating all new assets would warrant releasing a new pack, but while working on that pack if i upgrade the splines to say a version 2.0 better spline blueprint, then all of the users for this pack would receive the same update to the this nature pack. I want to be sure that you all get your money’s worth out of the assets and get any necessary updates and changes. I hope that answers your question :slight_smile:

  2. I personally never experience the foliage turning black after I bake my assets, but some users were still having issues and this was the first solution that I had found online that seemed to fix the problem. It was possible that the users experiencing the black foliage were on an older version of the pack and it is no longer relevant, but I have not heard anymore complaints about this issues in about a month now. I had also done some LOD work to try to fix the black foliage, so I don’t think changing the skylight to moveable is necessary. It is just an option if need be. I’m sure there is another solution, but since I couldn’t replicate the problem, I wasn’t able to troubleshoot anymore at that point. If you experience the black foliage at all I will be sure to help out :slight_smile:

Thanks for your interest in the pack! I hope you get the chance to try it out and that you’ll enjoy it

  • Jacob

Had the same problem, just black spots when painting puddles.
Recreating the landscape or rebuilding lighting (i did both) seemed to help.

At least i think so, not sure if puddles are intended to look like this (see attachment, just looks like a bluish Layer1, nothing resembling a puddle) - that´s already full strength brushed.
The puddle in the video looks more like a puddle to me?

Hmm that is very odd and is it only in the 4.9 version? And do you both have a Lightsource and Skysphere in the scene for proper reflections? It should be working, but I’ll try to take a look at it and see if anything changed in 4.9
Thanks for bring it up!

I got it was able to make some pretty cool looking trees. Just playing now, learning UE4. But I still need to figure out how to save the trees I make so I can use them again and again! I love it so far. Thanks for making it so nice. It was pretty pricey but the fact that I can make new and exciting things over and over is soooooo way awesome!

Thank you BrightSoul! That’s wonderful to hear :slight_smile: I hope you continue to enjoy it and learn more ways to use it and discover all of the possibilities for it. Thanks so much!


Any Updates regarding that strange transparent line in the waterfall ? :slight_smile:

Hey again Neodymus,
So it appears to simply be the lighting setup of the level that the puddles look better in some setups than others. Depending on the brightness of the probe capture in the area. If you want to “fake” more reflection in the puddle you can increase the reflectivity here. Hope that helps!

Hey IceDealer, I hope you’ve been well!
I do know what is causing the problem. It’s related to the way that the material calculates depth, which works great for the flatter rivers, but not as well for the waterfall. I have some ideas for solutions but they will all make the material a lot more expensive. Unfortunately I have been pretty overloaded at work lately so I haven’t had a ton of time to pursue other possible fixes yet, but I haven’t forgotten about it. Thanks for your patience.

Hi there TooManyfps
I have done some googling and i believe I found a solution to the recompiling material problem. It appears to be related to the fact that it is being used on a spline mesh. Perhaps it was a new checkbox or feature added to the engine, but here is a link to the answer I found and I will post it here too.

"*We figured out the issue.

So we had a ton of road splines in the map using the same material as everything else. However, we didn’t check “Used With Spline Meshes” in the material. So unreal was auto-checking that on in the background every time we opened the map causing all of the shaders to recompile over the already compiled shader cache from before. Once we checked on "“Used With Spline Meshes” in the material, the problem was fixed.

So… it would be nice if there was a visual warning that popped up saying that it auto checked it for us, or if it made changes to the material directly and just needed us to save the material. But idk. Regardless, it was a huge headache for something so simple.*"

As for migrating the water without the rocks and tree stuff, there shouldn’t be any assets linked to the water that would migrate with it. You could try manually copying the “master_river_spline” and “master_river_water” as well as the (river_flow_b and river_flow_a) .uasset files into the folders and simply updating them that way? Just make sure they are moved properly into the corresponding folder structures. None of the river textures were updated so the new spline blueprint and materials should be all that you would need.

Hello Jacob,
is there a way to set the water 2 sided? thx

edit: found it ;O) thanks

Awesome! I’m glad you got it sorted out :slight_smile: