Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

stretching at the edges of the screen

Hi Jacob,

I tried the little fix above for the stretching at the edges of the screen, not working for me :O(
I’m with 4.9.2, now the problem is on the top and left of the screen…


Hmm, that seems to be a very strong stetching that I haven’t seen before. Would you be able to take another pictures showing the same shot further away from the edge of the river. It is a bit zoomed in and hard to see.

Also go ahead and try going into the “water” folder and finding “river_flow_b” and opening that material instance. Then find the “Distortion stength” setting and try lowering the number to something lower than it is currently and keep taking it lower until you see this problem fixed. Let me know if that works for you. Thanks!

Thank you Jacob for taking time for the technical support ;O)
I tried to reduce the distortion strength but nothing has changed… here is the screenshots (before, after and after with 0 distortion)


Hey again TCNGO,

I’m checking out your images and wondering if you have downloaded the update for the pack? It appears like your foam is still only populating around the edges of the river and it was updated to populate across the entire surface of the water. There is a checkbox still that allows you to switch between how the foam populates and also how the distortion is created. Here are the updated release notes and dates of the updates

PACK UPDATED!! - 08/03/2015
2. Water- Fixed water distortion issue creating a double image on assets in front of it (gave option to use refraction instead of distorted screen image)
3. Water - Updated water with tessellation to deform with the speed and intensity of the river
4. Water - Look into screen space reflections with the water to look correct (Turned off screen space reflections for the time being, but can be turned back on in master_river_material)
5. Water - Exposed Parameter for reflectivity of water surface
6. Water - Adjusted Foam Population to work using either depth based population or a simply addition overlay on top of the water surface

PACK UPDATED!! - 09/03/2015
2. Water- Fog Plane issue in distance (This is caused when the user has both Exponential Fog and Atmospheric Fog in their level. In order to fix the problem seen with the translucent material, the user has to disable either 1 of the two fog options so that there is only 1 fog being used)
3. Water- Add spline point numbers floating above each spline point to help with scaling the river

Would I be able to ask you to select the River spline you are using and off to the right where the BluePrint properties are, can you hover over the material and verify which material is applied to the River Spline?

Then if you could open up that material instance and take a picture of your settings for the material instance so I can help trouble shoot what settings you might need to change to fix the issue. Thanks!
We’ll get this sorted out :slight_smile:

  • Jacob

hi Jacob,

yes I have all updates.
I use the RIVER_FLOW_A, here is the settings.
The river_flow_B doesn’t have the stretching problem.

I have another question for u ;O) where could I reduce the black cubemap when you look under the River Spline (underwater) and is there a way also to adjust the transparency of the water?

thanks for your help!

I was looking at the screenshots again and it doesn’t appear that you have the most recent updates for the pack. You should have some options at the top of the material instance for “-Water_Distortion” and within these options you can change the water to use Refraction based distortion or Screenspace distortion. As for changing the opacity of the underside of the water. If you make the material “Two Sided” then it will use the same “depth” settings as the river does from looking down into the river from above. The clarity, color, and opacity of the water is user defined from the depth from the water to the ground below it. So if the user is looking from under the water up into the sky, the depth from the water to the sky is very far and will make a very opaque looking river. So the only option will be to have a separate plane for the underside of the water with a different material instance applied to it that has a much further depth and opacity settings and a different mesh on the top of the surface that uses whatever settings you want looking down into the river. I hope that makes sense.

As for the updates to the pack, this is what your material instance should look like for River_flow_a. I hope that helps! Thanks

very clear! Thanks Jacob for the support :cool:

Awesome! Glad I could help :smiley:

I went searching for this image just to see someone already expressed their demand with the same!

buys Procedural Nature Pack

Why you just posting real nature photos and saying “Procedural”? These are real photos… Right? :eek:

Hahaha Thank you so much guys :slight_smile: It’s great to hear that you like the work :smiley:

Hi Jacob,

I tried to have another plane, up side down with a duplicate of the water material, but the water current visual and speed didn’t match the original one. The result is not fantastic…
it would be a killer feature if you could add the underwater toggle in future upgrade ;O)


Hey there TCNGO,

I have added it to my “To Do” list as I think that is a good idea :slight_smile: Thanks!

awesome! that’s great news ;O) thx

Hi, my water refelctions are on their side! I half found the source of the problem; the overall surface normal - therefore reflections - are tilted by a few degrees each time you plug a “BlendAngleCorrectedNormals” into another “BlendAngleCorrectedNormals”.
I know this because if i replace that material function with a “Blend_overlay” function, or just get rid of the “blendAngleCorrected normals” nodes, my reflections are orientated as they should be.
Any ideas why the “BlendAngleCorrectedNormals” is tilting/offsetting the overall normal/reflection?

Hi somawheels,
I never noticed this problem before, but I will definitely check it out in the engine. Have you found any “fix” for it or only so far the source of the problem being the BlendAngleCorrectedNormals? I might be able to get a chance in the next weekend or two to find a fix for it if you don’t have any luck. Thanks for the feedback!

I have not found a proper fix. You can use the overlay node, but it produces unpredicatble/horrible results, and needs alot tweaking to get it looking half as good as the “blendAngleCorrected normals” method does.
Using just one “blendAngleCorrected normals” has no effect on the angle of the reflections, its when you plug the into eachother that the problem occurs.

This could just be me (Am using a custom compiled, and quite messy, version of the engine (4.92).
Please let me know if enyone els has off reflections.

Hi somawheels,

I went ahead and took a look at the water both on the river spline and on a flat plane in engine version 4.9.2 and I can’t seem to replicate your issue unfortunately. Reflections are showing up properly on both. Perhaps as you mentioned it may have something to do with your custom compile of the engine. I hope this helps you get to the bottom of the issue. here are some images. Thanks and best of luck!


Hi Again, i tested it on normal UE 4.10 and the reflections are still tilted.
However they are fine when i turn the reflections visualizer on (like you have), Is this the only way you have viewed your reflections? Give your water a really smooth normal map or tile it really high, to see what your reflections really look like.
I am now thinking it has something to do with vector 3’s and lerps within the normal map blending function.