Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

I see, interesting. I will have to try adding a smooth normal as you mentioned and see my results from that to try and determine what might be the root cause of it. Thanks for the update and hopefully I can get to it sometime this weekend or next weekend.

I saw that you submitted an update for 4.10. Any time line you think it might get approved? Also I’m thinking of getting this , but waiting on that 100% 4.10 comp ability . Any news on any new updates coming up? Just asking xD

Hey there Lumion. I had just sent in the update to 4.10 for all of the packs this last weekend. Currently I am just waiting on the Marketplace Team to update the pack for me in the Unreal Launcher. Unfortunately, I don’t have a timeline on when it will be updated globally for everyone as it seems like Epic is a bit overwhelmed for the time being since Jon Jones left and since the holidays are approaching and many people are going on Holiday I imagine. In the meantime if you decide to purchase the pack you will receive the update for free when the team adds the 4.10 compatibility into the marketplace! I have already tested all of the assets and everything works great in 4.10 no hitches or hiccups. Also you can easily migrate the assets over to 4.10 by following the Unreal Documentation

Nothing needs to be changed or adjusted to make the pack work in 4.10, all of the assets work great. It simply needs to be migrated using the process mentioned above :slight_smile:

Currently I don’t have any immediate updates on the way, but I do have some planned for the future! You can checkout the support page for the pack on my website to see what is coming next!


Edge foam and foam behind rocks are missing in the river material.
Can you please point me to the nodes i need to look at in order to enable them?


Hi Crocopede,
I can definitely help with that :slight_smile:

Thanks for the message, here is some info that may help you out and an image as well.
There are actually two settings that I have allowed for with the foam. A general foam that covers the whole surface of the water and a foam that uses the depth of the objects around it (Such as rocks, the shoreline, foliage, etc. to create the foam) I have attached an image showing the material instance located in “water” and the name of the material is “river_flow_b”

From here you can edit the settings for the look of the foam and the river to get it to look more accurate to how you would like it. One more important thing to note, is that the foam is only made visible by “rotating the nearby spline points.” This is done because the foam is only supposed to be at the tops and bottoms of the waterfalls. So the intensity of the foam increases when the spline point is told that “Hey the spline is bending here so I need some foam at the top and bottom.” But you can do it manually on flat surfaces like this, but just selecting a nearby spline point, using the rotation tool, and slightly rotating the point. You should then see the foam start to populate more on the surface of the water. I hope that helps :slight_smile:
Let me know how it goes for you! Best of luck,

  • Jacob

I am very interested in this but one thing jumped out at me while watching the usage tips video… It is great that the wind intensity is adjustable, however, my aim would be to hook that into a global variable wind so the foliage responds visually. The problem is that it appears if I were to change the wind intensity at run time, any vegetation belonging to this pack will be re-randomly generated. This would get pretty ugly. Is there an option anywhere or how difficult would it be to implement where the re-generation can be suppressed?

Hi Vaelek,

That is a great point! And actually something I had already started looking into. There actually is a rather simple fix for it that unfortunately I haven’t been able to add in yet because of time constraints, but it sounds like you have a good understanding of the engine so perhaps I can point you in the right direction. You will basically go into the Blueprint for the Procedural Tree Branches system and find the Branch placement and random number in range nodes that place the branches along the spline. From there you will swap the node that I am currently using for the Random Float in range from Stream node Random Float in Range from Stream | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation
Then you can set the seed for the stream using this node Set Random Stream Seed | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation and this way it will only be creating those random numbers everytime you change the seed and not otherwise. This should prevent you from seeing different tree results everytime you adjust your wind. I hope that helps and answers your questions :slight_smile:

Hey Jacob I have eyed your pack for a while but been unsure if it would suit the level, would I be able to bug you for a screenshot of the grass-mud-cobblestone landscape material on a flat section of landscape, just so I can get an idea what each of those layers looks like! Thanks!

Hi there docjor,
Absolutely :slight_smile: You can see it in my Tips and Tricks video here:
I have already shared it around the proper time to take a look at the terrain. As well as the screenshots that can be found on the product page.
Procedural Nature Pack Vol.1 in Environments - UE Marketplace

I hope that helps and let me know if you have anymore questions. Thanks!

Finally got around to starting my level design. The landscape materials look awesome, however, they have a very obvious tiling from any distance. Am I just missing something?

Hey there Vaelek,
I’m happy to hear you’re using the pack!

The ground looks like duplicate images because of the tiling texture used to create the ground terrain. There are more terrain materials provided as well in the pack that you can paint over the surface of the ground to switch between the different textures and hide the tiling look of the ground plane. The large dirt texture is also a 4096 with much less noticeable tiling over larger distances that you can alternate between as well or paint subtly over the surface to create the most varied and unique look. I hope that helps!

Jacob - Any thoughts on timing for some of the tree modifications that I know you are looking at to make the leaves look less “flat”

Hey MrMrC,

It’s definitely still on my list. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to devote a lot of dedicated time towards updating the pack yet as I’ve been crunching a lot to finish up the game at my current studio. I have mostly been providing support for customers and fixing any big ticket items for the packs, but will be trying to get to a lot of these items sometime in the summer. I will definitely be updating everyone as these fixes start coming online and I’ll share the info here :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot for your patience and understanding!

  • Jacob

This is really the most natural looking naturepack I have seen on the marketplace. Great job :slight_smile: Im wondering what is the developmentstatus and what naturetype
will vol.2 have? I think I will buy this very soon!

I just bought it! Looking forward to play around with it :slight_smile:

Hi Frequia,

Thanks so much for the compliments :smiley: That’s very nice to hear!

Nature Pack Volume 2 I am planning on creating a more Autumn based nature pack with pine tree’s and ferns. Most likely with the ability to have an environment both with and without snow. Feel free to make suggestions :slight_smile:

  • Jacob

Thanks for your reply. It also runs very well on my laptop with epic settings. You have some great tweaking possibilities on the water and the river already, but do you think you can add more things like the water in LAM? Here is the LAM water settings:


Thanks for the feedback man. It’s always nice to hear what people want.
I tried my best to find a good balance between allowing people to make tweaks, while still providing a tool that “does most of the work for them.”
So I set some standard settings on the assets that work for most scenarios and provided what I could for people to make things work how they want, but of course there is always room for improvement. I will look into possibly expanding more of the settings into the material instance parameters for people to mess around with. Thanks again!

Hey, for new features I think this is a good reference.

Especially the foam vertex paint and flow painting. I personally think with some work your river tool could be the definitive tool, it just needs some polish and a complete feature set.

Hi Jacob, I’m trying to figure out, how add water ripples, to make it kind of interactive to the character… Do you have any suggestion? Thanks