Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

Ripples would usually be done with FX not actually attached to the water. But probably more like a volume that tells when the ripples should display and where. I am looking more info FX creation, but I’m not quite that advanced just yet. Hopefully soon :slight_smile:

That looks totally awesome! These are some great tips for making the water even more customizable. Blue prints ate becoming more and more powerful, so this could definitely be a nice update for the pack in the future :wink: Thanks so much for sharing

Another cool water flow technique:

Hi there. I recently purchased this and want to express how inspiring I find it. Crazy beautiful possibilities :slight_smile:

I watched your tutorial a couple times, and I apologize if I missed the instruction, but how do I add spline points to my river? I’ve tried Alt+click/drag, Alt+rmb (looking for something more efficient than this method), Alt+Shift, etc… Is there a key-combo you’re using?

Thank you a lot. (and thank you to anyone that might be able to help me out)

That’s really honestly amazing and I have defintiely bookmarked all this stuff to possibly implement it into my pack for updates in the future. Thanks again so much for sharing!

Thanks so much for the compliments :slight_smile: I really hope you can get some great use out of it!
As for adding spline points. You can either right click anywhere on the spline and select “Add Spline Point” or you can alt+drag the last spline point to create a new one similar to what I had done in the video. Otherwise I’m not sure of another way to add spline points? That would be more efficient. Alt+Click/drag definitely seems to work very quickly and efficiently. So I hope that helps? Thanks again

Ah, thank you. I’m not sure what I was doing wrong prior, but the Alt+Click/drag is now working perfectly. (And apologies for my wording; it was only the right-click method that, although splines were created, didn’t feel practical and my results got a little wonky after a few curves.)

Thanks again Jacob.

No problem! Misunderstanding happen all the time haha, it’s a way of life. I’m glad I could help sort it out with you :slight_smile:

Any chances of getting this pack updated for 4.11 ? :smiley:

Hey IceDealer,
Absolutely :slight_smile:
I already submitted the update about 2 weeks ago and I am just waiting on Epic to implement the new changes to the Marketplace. Hopefully soon! Don’t worry though it’s on its way

Just bought…
But when I download it’s only 76 Mb ( the meshes are missing).
This was alredy appen to me with others assets thanks to the marketplace guys
Now, I payed cash, but when I get the asset?
I know that not your fault but is yours iterest to contact the guys to speed up the correction. I dont want wait days or week to get what I payed now
Sorry for the outburst but is not the first time and the marketplace’s guys have irritanting response times

Thanks so much for bringing this to my attention. I have already emailed the Epic Marketplace team to ask them to resolve the issue. It seems as though they did not add my update files to the 4.11 release, but simply uploaded the fixed files as the “whole pack.” Which of course would cause the textures and meshes to go missing. I have contacted one of the staff directly by email to hopefully avoid the long wait times that the marketplace support email causes. I’l do my best to get this resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and thanks again for the heads up! We’ll get you your assets ASAP!

  • Jacob

Thanks a lot! Can’t wait! :slight_smile: Could you fix that invisible stripe in the waterfall ?

Can this package be optimized to use in a enviroment simulation scene playing in android cellphones?

This is also for Thunderstruck,
I have worked with the Epic team to properly get the assets updated. AND IT’S UP! The version is live!
Download and have fun to your hearts content :smiley:

As for the invisible issue inside the waterfall. It’s still on my list of bugs to tackle. I’m just looking for the time to be able to sit down and really dive in to figure out the problem. Hopefully soon, thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Nesmoth, that’s a good question :slight_smile: I believe you also commented on youtube? I just wanted to check so I don’t respond twice haha. I will layout some of the optimization options here below of the tips/tricks that I have covered so far in this thread. Hopefully it helps!

  • There are definitely some options to help with the performance of assets. The trees are created with blueprints of course and so they have many instructions that come along with them. As well as the number of instances created from the branches and leaves. There is a little bit of a performance hit for creating the river and trees this way. But as they say nothing is perfect. This does allow for MASSIVE customizability though and creating very unique content for your project. For the performance, one of the main hits is that the terrain has tessellation applied to it as well as the tree’s. There are options within the material instances though to disable this tessellation and greatly increase your performance. You can also adjust the performance by finding the feature “Tessellation Density” and specifies how dense you want the terrain or tree bark tessellation to be. I would suggest adjusting this to see how it helps your frame rate.

  • Some other options are to use the “Merge Actors Tool” when creating the trees. This will reduce their draw calls to 1 instead of having a draw call for each spline point and each model/chunk of the tree that is created per spline point. Once the tree is merged you can also export it and adjust the UV’s to better fit a tiling material instead of the one created from the merge actors tool.

  • If merging the trees isn’t in your best interest, then reducing the number of spline points per tree is another good option. Every spline point on the tree adds another draw call, so the GPU has to run another pass on it while rendering it which takes only 0.001ms or less, but when this happens over and over it can start to add up. Reducing the number of branches on trees can help as well. They each have a draw call as I mentioned. So the less branches, the less times the GPU needs to run another render pass. Overall it is definitely better to merge or combine each a tree that you create, to help with performance.

  • Adjusting the lighting to be static, turning off shadows or reducing quality can also help massively with performance.

  • Overall this pack is scaleable with it’s features and options to whatever performance you may want to hit for your project. It just takes some poking around and tweaks to make it run at a higher fps, but it is definitely possible and with the customizability it’s surely worth it. I hope that helps!

Hey, thanks works right now…
No reply from Epic support but
Anyway I had solved downloading the 4.10 version and after updating to 4.11

Is there any way to export the resulting tree meshes from UE4? If so to what format?
Would collision carry over?

First off let me just say this is an awesome pack and thank you for supplying it.

Quick question though, have you made any progress on: 3. Water- Fix Seam in Water Spline caused by reflection sphere captures. Just wondering if this is coming in a future update sooner or later? Because other than the nasty seams the river spline and material are great.

Hi there Mireneye,
Yes absolutely! You should be able to export the tree simply by selecting all of the splines used to create it. Then at the top of the Unreal Engine, go to “File - Export Selected”
This should open a dialog box that will allow you to export the FBX for the tree and branch meshes :slight_smile:

If that doesn’t work you can always use the “Merge Actors Tools” provided in the Unreal Engine. Select all of the splines and branches similar to the other option. Then Merge the actors with the tool and export the final tree mesh.
More Information on the merge actors tool can be found here.

There may be a small amount of UV work to adjust the exported model to match exactly the one displayed in engine, but it is not a difficult process. Unfortunately, collision may have to be rebuilt with the initial export option, but I believe the Merge Actors tool may preserve it.
I hope that helps!

Thanks a lot, I’m glad you’re enjoying the pack.
I do have some fixes and updates to the pack that I am still planning to get to sometime later this year. I am currently a bit tight with my schedule and so the updates will take some time. They are absolutely still on the list though! :slight_smile:

  • Jacob

is it possible to change easily the color tree foliage, by for exemple get a sort of alien purple tree with pink folliage ?

You’ve been too long to reply me, so I just bought and I am downloading it before knowing, so if I am poor now it’s your fault for making great stuff on UE4 XXD

What will be your VOL2 ? I hope it will be snow/ winter panorama

Color of tree is just a matter of tweaking the material, which is easy (I own the pack).