Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

Thanks so much for supporting the pack! And I appreciate the patience in my response. As Freeman has said, it is a simple process of tweaking the material to create the color and look that you want :slight_smile: I hope you have been enjoying it so far!

As for Vol. 2, yes actually the current plan is to create a fall/winter pack combo that will allow the user to add and remove snow as they wish :slight_smile:

Thanks for the response Freeman :slight_smile: Much appreciated!

I didn’t thank him(even if I should) because I can’t really translate the word tweaking XD


For the moment I didn’t enjoyed the pack but only because I am too new with UE4, and I don’t want do something wrong with the interface I do baby step by baby step :wink:

hello Jacob,

is there a way to convert a group of master_tree_x_splines into a new BP, the purpose of this, is to create instances in the level and able to modifying them later on.

thanks for your help


My apologies for trying this answer instead of Jacob : the answer is no, TCNGO, it’s a UE4 limitation : spline based objects are existing as unique instances in the level, and you cannot create a class from this. You can duplicate, but you have 2 separates actors. What you can do is to use the spline to generate FBX models (exporting), and use them across your level(s), and keep only one spline in the level (or a sub level, using level streaming to handle a kind of “palette”), as the source. Reimporting the FBX will update all actors using it. In fact, this method is better, performance wise.

Maybe, thanx to save plugin (see the marketplace), you may have a workaround, but be prepare for deep engine coding: its plugin allows for very low level saving of runtime actor parameters, especially useful for dynamically generated world. Using this mecanism, you may be able to create some special objects reusing the saved information from another one.

Thanks FreemanCIT, when exporting to FBX, a few informations are missing like the tesselation :frowning:

Are you sure about tesselation ? I thought it was only on the material side of things… (you can apply it on pretty much anything). It is an issue with tangents calculation or so ? I am no graphics specialist, so I cant tell…

Thanks so much for answering Freeman and sorry for the slightly delayed response TCNGO. I am currently away from the office for about a month so I am trying to get to questions and emails when I can.
The tessellation is applied at runtime via the material. So even though when you export the tree, it may appear to have no tessellation inside of the 3D program you are using like max or maya, once you re-apply all of the materials inside of the engine again the tessellation will show up properly. On the material instances for the tree bark I have provided a checkbox that says “Is_Spline_Material?” And you will simply make sure that is UNCHECKED so that it applies the UV’s properly. Then just be sure not to apply the tessellated material to the tree branches/leaves, because it will cause the engine to display way too much geometry and density. Then you should be good to go from there!

Thanks again Freeman and TCNGO, his first answer was also correct, that unfortunately this can’t be done with the spline BP’s in any way that I am aware of, but the workarounds that Freeman has mentioned should do just fine.

  • Jacob

Any updates on this and for the river? Plans for particles in the spline, dynamic flow mapping in the material, etc? I know there are other features people have asked about as well.

It appears that this product is dead. It’s a real shame, because with some additional features this could be a very robust tool. I hope the author comes back and makes some updates.

Hi Joshua,

I apologize for the delayed response, I have been a bit tangled up lately both at work and in my personal life. So I have had to put some things on hold for the time being, I appreciate your patience. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about this product and I still have plans to update the pack with some optimized tree assets, some leaves/branches that look less flat, and I am working on the waterfall FX. I have never really made FX before and so it was always something I wanted to add to the pack, but has been a lot more challenging to create something that works the way I had originally had in mind when creating the pack. I made that promise without knowing what was in store for me when I started to attempt to create the waterfall FX. I haven’t given up, but I don’t really have a workable version of it yet. Thank you for understanding and I will be sure to update everyone once the pack has received its overdue love and attention. I hope for the time being that you are still finding it very useful and packed with tons of great features, knowing that there are still more to come :wink:


  • Jacob

Hello, i purchased your asset a few days ago und i like it - nice work :slight_smile:

Only one thing is irritating me: the overview-map in the asset renders fine in the 4.12 version of the UE4 Editor BUT in the 4.13 or 4.14 Editor the map is rendered only partially:
the water spline does not show correctly, main parts of the trees are just “missing” :wink: Checked this with a fresh, plain-vanilla install of UE 4.14 or UE 4.13.

On the other hand the demo scene map renders fine in 4.13 and 4.14.

The folder in the epic game launchers vault cache of the asset is “ProceduralNatureV411” - is this the latest version?

Additional, in all engine editors a lot of warnings show up in the output log when instancing the objects in the overview map and the demo map, e.g.:
[FONT=Courier New]LogPrimitiveComponent:Warning: CreateDynamicMaterialInstance on /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_0.NODE_AddStaticMeshComponent-3_12: Material index 1 is invalid.
LogScript:Warning: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_CreateDynamicMaterialInstance_ReturnValue
master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_0
Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:44C9
LogScriptCore:Warning: Script Msg: Divide by zero
Script call stack:
Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript
LogScript:Warning: Accessed None trying to read property BranchMesh1
master_vine_spline_C /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Assets_Overview.Assets_Overview:PersistentLevel.master_vine_spline_C_1
Function /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_vine_spline.master_vine_spline_C:UserConstructionScript:0344

Maybe you have an explanation for this?


GTX 660 Ti

Hey, I have an issue with the puddles. Whenever I paint them in they are completely black. How do i fix this?

Can you reset my download? For some reason says I can’t download anymore.

Hello guys, sorry for resurrecting this dead thread but has anyone tried to make this a water volume? what would be the best way to go about that and have it follow the spline?

Hi Markus,

I have updated the pack with Epic Games and this should be fixed now in the latest versions of the engine. Thanks!

Hi jokerc1,

Yes of course, this can be easily solved by placing a “Sphere reflection capture” probe and a skylight into your scene. It needs this information to know how to calculate the reflections of the puddle. Also be sure that you have screenspace reflections enabled if you have a post process volume in your scene. Cheers!

Hi nemesis,

I believe you mean for the pack that you purchased from my website? If you could send me an email about this I can help you get it sorted out.

Hi LanGun,

It’s funny you mention this. Someone just recently informed me in an email that they got water volumes working for the river spline in my pack. I have asked if they could possibly share some information with me on how to add this to the river. So hopefully I can provide an answer for you if I hear back.

Hey everyone!
I’ve put together an optimization video for both the Nature Pack Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 showing you how to export and import Spline Trees and use them in a much more optimized way. I hope you all enjoy it and get some good use out of it. Cheers!

Hey, could you sell the river spline separately? Don’t need rocks, trees nor foliage, only the river, so I would defiantly buy it separately.
Also, how well is it optimized? Would it lag a lot if if I had a 4-6km long river?

Hi there LodHitMan,

This is something I am looking into currently with Epic as I am not sure how they allow that to simply sell “Parts” of a pack, because I have not seen that it is possible for other sellers so far. I would assume it would need to be different from my actual Nature Pack River in order for them to allow me to do this, but I will continue looking into it and let you know if I am able to get it done.


  • Jacob

Hi there, First of all great pack!

I’m having a rendering issue on 4.16 with the river. I took a short video from your demo scene to show you the error:

As you can see the texture is disappearing when looking up at the river, Am I the only one getting this?

Thanks, Stimulation.