I’m having some problems with lighting in Unreal Engine 4.4.3. As shown in the video below, the light is bleeding through the door if I am too far away from it (this also happens in game, not just in the editor).
It is a stationary spot light. Light maps are baked using Production Level quality. The door mesh is a dynamic (movable) mesh since the player is able to open the door, so it casts a dynamic shadow, which I think is the problem here?
I don’t know how to fix this… I also increased the light map resolution of the ground mesh quite a bit to see whether the resolution was the problem but this seems not to be the case.
The best option here would be to use either a Static Spotlight or to use a Movable light. These will give you the most control and the best results.
With the stationary light you are seeing the stationary light switching between the static and the dynamic lighting. The Stationary Spot Light, unlike other movable lights, does not have the option to adjust the cascaded shadow distance. By using a movable light you will no see this popping and the light can be disabled if the lighting doesn’t need to be baked into a lightmap.