Problem with shader only being applied to a tiny part of screen


I am having a problem with a shader; it’s only applied to a part of the screen.

I’ve managed to pinpoint the nodes that work incorrectly;

Can someone please explain why do these nodes not work as intended and break the shader? What can I do to fix the problem?

there is no problem with those nodes :face_in_clouds:

From my testing it seems that these are the only nodes that affect the issue in any way. Anyhow, what else could cause this weird rendering?

change the A<B input with a solid color(vector 3+append scalar) and test

Is this what you meant?

I’ve also checked it with a single vector.

your problem it’s not the shader, is the “Screen Percentage”
in 100% works perfect

But in 70% is broken

Thank you very much for helping me!
Indeed, changing the screen percentage fixed the problem. I just wonder how that works and why that was the case.

I think it’s a bug, in UE4 it worked fine