PRO/MMO Foundation. Free, open source, multiplayer tools built to scale

Additionally, you can host the basic Pro/MMO dedicated servers if you want to, but you miss out on a lot of UEtopia’s features - like spinning down servers with no players, instancing, and sharding.

Sharded servers, and Instanced servers do require backend control to function.

I am wondering how many players one of these severs should be able to handle? Will these numbers change with 4.20 changes to networking?

The only limitation to the number of players is the engine itself. Take a look at the “Multiplayer Scaling” video I linked above. I talk about strategies for scaling using the stock ue4 netcode.

Yes, 4.20 will be bringing some changes that will allow more players. =)

New devlog up on itch and the UETOPIA blog documenting monetization strategies, and how they are used within UETOPIA. Did I miss any?

Its interesting its 5% ontop of what unreal takes.

Would like to see how to turn it into a shooter type to pull the data and hit points.

For match based or eSports games, check out the companion template:


any updates to this for us in 4.20 with rep graph and performance?

New feature demo. Support for in-game guild textures.

The 4.20 branch of Pro/MMO was just committed.

There are quite a few developers interested in the 4.20 networking changes, and I’m sure we’ll be seeing some implementations and strategies soon.

Do you plan on taking advantage of these changes for Uetopia OSS?

Let me clarify a little bit on this subject, since it seems like there is some misunderstanding.

The Online Subsystems, including UETOPIA, have nothing to do with replication, or player counts. They are responsible for authenticating the players, getting friends lists, matchmaking, that kind of thing. There is no replication or netcode in the OSS at all.

The Pro/MMO template uses the UETOPIA OSS, and sets up a framework for some of the basics that are the most common in MMOs. Some of this functionality is already super optimized for replication by Epic, like Gameplay Abilities. While some of it does not require replication at all, like vendors.

The things that are replicated are commonly very game specific, and are going to require game specific optimizations. For example, if I have a game with followers (pets, and npc friends) it will have very different replication requirements than a game without them. The new replication graph and related code is designed to facilitate optimizations in the areas individual games need them.

So with that said, we’re absolutely interested in developing resources and knowledge around these new changes, and assisting developers in optimizing their games individually. If we discover a setting which we feel should be included in the default Pro/MMO codebase, we will certainly include it.

Does that make sense?

Yes that makes sense :slight_smile:

Another short demo. I cover groups, and how they are implemented in this video.

Anther short demo, showing lobby server list, and player-initiated server launch.

For an MMO Gamer and Intermediate user of various game engines, this is a server hosting solution with a small percent of sales, similar to Photon, with expandable templates, Also, you have a player management backend including money options, is this all correct?

Looking over the documentation and video’s are very high level and unless you’re very familiar with the technical aspects of the templates and networking it’s being presented at too high of a technical level. Perhaps have someone assist in bring this down to a less technical level for the many Developers who would like to build out a template and have a fully hosted solution.

This is an excellent project and much needed, thank you.

I have not used photon, so I can’t comment on it specifically. Yes, all of the features you listed are available to use. You don’t HAVE to use all of the features, though. If you don’t need microtransactions for example, you can just ignore it.

Yes, this project is not very beginner friendly. You have to be able to build the engine from source, and you should be somewhat comfortable working in Visual Studio. Most of the logic and data is BP exposed, but you’ll still need VS for configuration, building, etc.

If you are brand new to the engine, my advice would be to start learning the internals of the engine first. Work on assets, landscapes, etc. Then, once you are comfortable with the engine, take a few hours to build out Pro/MMO. Once you have the Pro/MMO template up and running, you can migrate your assets in.

You’re welcome. =)

Version 00017 committed to github and deployed to the live demo.

This version contains a couple fixes for server to server travel, including one that could crash the server. Also a new portal visual using UnrealCG’s portal tutorial (

Hello, this seems very interesting as I am finally ready to move into UE4 networking. I don’t expect to have thousands of players interacting with each other but I want to know how far you could scale your solution for authoritive dedicated servers where you would have a bunch of people connected to a world and sometimes a good number of them fighting each other while saving datas such as abilities, monsters dieing and respawning etc.

But I am guessing in the end it all come downs to how efficient you code the behaviors of the server to replicate datas only to relevant players etc?

Hi Jprules.

Yes. Total player count per server depends on your game, and there is no way to determine a number in advance. This is purely an engine limitation.

UETOPIA provides the infrastructure to scale horizontally, through shards and instances. So you’d still be able to scale your game regardless of how many players each server can handle.

Take a look at this video where I describe scaling on UETOPIA. Please pardon my horrible handwriting. =)

In the tutorial you host your servers locally how would that work for when we wan´t to invite friends or others into our games?