PRO/MMO Foundation. Free, open source, multiplayer tools built to scale

Is there a way to not use your servers and use our own?
We were exploring using Unreal for our next MMO after seeing Fortnight but this thread has really made us step back due to the constant mentioning of the ‘limitations’ that the engine has.

The ‘engine’ our current games is using was developed over 15 years ago and took quite a while to complete. We were looking at Unreal in order to speed up development of our game and implement it with the latest graphics much faster than we had done before. When you get my age, you just want to work smarter. These tools seem like a big plus that they would make things much faster to develop, but now we are questioning if the engine is even capable of doing what we require.

A single dedicated server hosted in a Tier III data center is a linux machine with dual E5-2650 (24 cores total) and 64GB memory.
We run 20 persistent world maps and 46 squad based ‘instances’.
We are in the process of adding 12 more world maps and 7 more instances.
10TB bandwith
We have just over 4500 accounts/players
At any one time we never have over 500 players but could easily handle 1000.
We have separate servers for website and patch server

Am I right in assuming at this point that Unreal is unable to handle multiple world maps and 500-1000 players on a single server?

I would suggest that SpatialOS is worth looking into for you, if you haven’t already, and the new “Replication Graph” is something you will want to check out. Those sort of numbers are not something that you would do on an unmodified ue4…

Hosting servers locally is purely for development. Once your dev and testing is complete, the servers are managed dynamically by the backend.

Sadly, no. You need to either use a service like gozu mentioned, or do horizontal scaling like you are currently doing. Take a look at the multiplayer scaling video I linked on page 4 for more information about how we do scaling on the uetopia backend.

You can use your own servers (or any third party servers), but you miss out on all of the server management features of the backend.

It appears that your game is match based. If so, it might be worth looking into pro/eSports for managed matchmaker which will scale automatically.

New functionality just added: Use offers, vouchers, and badges to grant access to specific game modes, servers, or functionality in-game.

Proje dowland link pls

PRO/MMO source dowland link pls

Go to the website bros…

source dowland where

I’m curious as to how all of the data is being stored/managed. Would it be possible to access all of the persistent/stored data on the servers somehow and then alter it? I think I’m pretty out-dated when it comes to the logic for this kinda stuff, so I’m thinking SQL table editing/etc. I apologize if this is a stupid question, but I want to make sure this is the right tool to build off of. Thanks!

Example Game has replaced this project as of Engine 4.23 Please use the Example Game forum thread.

can i use a diffrent third party server files for that

**Please update this for 4.24 and newer!! **

4.24 and 4.25 are supported, but the project name has changed.

Example Game has replaced this project as of Engine 4.23 Please use the Example Game forum thread.

Is rep graph implemented yet, please?

Rep graph is something that is 100% game specific. You’ll want to implement this for your own game’s replication needs.

just wonderring, is this sever side also open source? I just took a look at demo video, seems the server side are all by configging in website…

The game client, game server, and plugin are all open source.

The website back-end is proprietary.

Can you please send me the link to this? I cannot find it anywhere.