Thanks to all of the developers that have been signing up and trying out the demos. It has helped immensely with identifying some UI/UX issues on the site and in game. THANK YOU!
This information, along with conversations I’ve been having with some of you has inspired some core level changes to the platform.
In game user registration
New user registration can happen in-game. Some people were launching the game and attempting to login for the first time, only to see an error, or have nothing happen at all. Now, users can launch the exe, and a user account is created for them.
Removed “authorize to play” requirement
Game authorization has been completely removed. Some users were getting stuck trying to join a match, or server without “authorize to play” being clicked first. They would end up seeing an error, or waiting while nothing happens. Now, a user’s first play of the game automatically authorizes the game for play.
Removed server currency transfer
Server currency transfer has been completely removed. Some users were getting stuck with “auto-authorization” settings being either too low, too high, or more than they could afford. It was also confusing to have a different balance in-game, and have it transfer back after logout. Now, users have access to their entire CRED wallet when they join a server.
New api endpoint domain
All api requests should point to the new api endpoint domain. This helps to isolate user requests from backend server requests. Update your .ini config files to point to the new domain. Details are in the developer walkthrough documentation.
These are low level changes, and will impact current projects. Just grab the latest plugin, and example code, and make 2 .ini changes, and you’ll be up and running again.
Again, it has been really helpful to chat with you all… Hearing your comments and concerns really motivates me to fine tune the platform to meet your needs.
If you haven’t already gotten in touch with me, please do! The best way is to find me on the unreal slackers discord. I am “Element”. I’d love to hear what you’re doing!