Private version islands laggy for you too ?

I just tried to play on a private version of my yesterday uploaded private version of my island, and it’s unplayable, characters are stuttering really fast, does anyone else experience this ?

yes, same problem since yesterday evening (german time). The reason in my case was a levelSequencer / Cinematic Sequence Device. The Private Island became unplayable with bigger than 300ms ping. As soon as i stopped the playback of the cinematic device, the problem was gone. Do you have one of those too?

Not at all (I have one sequence but I don’t use it, it’s loaded with a button, it’s preparation for filming the trailer only), do you use these to slow/fasten time ?

No, just to update position of an object over time.

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Well my bad I actually have 300 ping in UEFN session too! :o

I’ve been running into a similar issue. I found that it’s when I stand on certain props it makes me glitch all over the place and inverts my controls. For example when I stand on certain cars it does this. But on other cars it’s completely fine. Is this similar to anything you guys are experiencing? Also it only happens in private publishings of it. If I start a game directly from uefn it’s fine. Super annoying.

I think I have something different, my problem only last 3 rounds for some reason and it’s happening inside UEFN sessions too. Made another topic as my case seem to be pretty personal actually…

@im_a_lama Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

Hey thanks for this post - helped me attempt to find some solutions for this bug as I’m also having it. I do have a possible temp solution that’s working for me 100% - attached is a pic of what to do. I’m not a dev so not sure the over-all impact (none in my game at all) but swap the static mesh to “moveable” you can do this to custom assets and UEFN’s assets. Hope this helps!

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Dude this is so random :smiley: I don’t think it’s a good idea to do that, moreover I have thousands of meshes and some are components so it would be a hassle to do that. I think the bug got resolved while introducing a new memory increase one. I’ll have to look into that.