Print in UE_LOG variable name with value

Hi, I write a class to do the thing I write in the tittle of this topic. If someone have some questions or think that something should be corrected please write it.

namespace MyLogger{
#define DEBVAR(Value) *FString::Printf(TEXT(“\t%s: “),TEXT(value)) << Value<<”\t”

class MyDebugLogs;
typedef MyDebugLogs Looger;

class WAROFWAVES2_API MyDebugLogs{

		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *FString(LogString));

	MyDebugLogs& operator<<(const FString& Value){
		LogString += Value;
		return *this;

	MyDebugLogs& operator<<(const int& Value){
		LogString += FString::FromInt(Value);
		return *this;

	MyDebugLogs& operator<<(const float& Value){
		LogString += FString::SanitizeFloat(Value);
		return *this;

	MyDebugLogs& operator<<(const FVector& Value){
		LogString += "X: " + FString::SanitizeFloat(Value.X) + " ";
		LogString += "Y: " + FString::SanitizeFloat(Value.Y) + " ";
		LogString += "Z: " + FString::SanitizeFloat(Value.Z) + " ";
		return *this;

	MyDebugLogs& operator<<(const char* Value){
		if(Value == nullptr){
			return *this;
		LogString += Value;
		return *this;

	FString LogString;


And there you have example of using it:

int z = 5;
FVector vec{15.4,13.1,99.0};
FQuat quat;

Looger() << test << DEBVAR(z) << DEBVAR(vec)<<Kolejny testttttt;// << q;

As you can see class is used like streams from c++ libraries( cout, cin etc.). If you want to make additional types you must write method “MyDebugLogs& operator<<(const T* Value)” with T as your own type if you make it, please write that code here so that more people could use it).