“Material didn’t allow automatic setting of usage flag bUsedWithStaticLightning needed to render on this component, using Default Material instead.”
Is it not possible to disable emissive materials from being baked into static lightning? Each time i disable “used with static lightning” it resets. When i disable auto set usage i cannot render the material on the mesh in my blueprint. Why? I need to change the material during runtime so it will look weird if the blue light is baked into static lightning. The blueprint is just a static mesh set to movable. I read the documentation but i can’t find the source to my problem.
In material editor set flag manually, then save and apply
I realize now that I was a very unclear in my post and i apologize for that…
The problem I had was that when I hit apply in the material editor, the “used with static lightning” flag would then be checked again automatically, even though i had unchecked it prior to applying the changes.
I solved this however through putting a black material on the mesh and then change it during runtime through blueprint, thus preventing the emissive material from being baked into the static lightning. The material could then change again without any weird looking static lightning in the environment.
Thanks for reaching out! But I think you will help people better by looking at more recent posts I should have marked this as answered really, I just simply forgot!