Prevent Bheavior Tree from aborting Move To

Let’s say I want an NPC controlled by a behavior tree to move from point A to exactly point B, using the Move To task. While the NPC is on their way, the player stands on point B, which makes it impossible for the NPC to reach this destination. I’d like the NPC to keep trying to move to that point indefinitely, until the player moves away, but instead the task aborts after a couple of seconds and the behavior tree’s sequence restarts from the beginning, which causes the NPC to repeat all their actions.

Is there any way to change this behavior? Thank you!

try this:



Hi, thanks for your answer! I’m not sure what the nodes in the screenshot accomplish, tho. I get that the task finishes executing whether the move to fails or not, and when the task is aborted as well. However, I’m actually looking for the opposite behavior: to keep trying to move to the destination indefinitely.

Is there no way of adjusting the “time” during which the AI tries to reach the destination, so it doesn’t just abort the task after a few seconds?

try using a timer or delay… and check or uncheck “SUCCESS” wherever you need untill you get the behavior you want.