I’ve made a game and released it on Steam. But the most annoying bug I’m facing is that the game crashes everytime somone tries to load the game for the first time. After further inspection, I’ve figured out that the games are supposed to prepare shaders or pre-compile shaders at the startup of the game. It’s like the new last of us pc port, lies of p and even Hogwarts Legacy (which is made in ue5).
Hi. I’ve been trying this method for quite a while and I’ve stumbled accros a thing which may not be an issue but I thought I should let you know. When I used the packaged launcher to package my game, the size of the game nearly doubled out. Previously my game is only 4.6 gb. Now it became 8 gb in storage. Is it an issue or just the baked data takes the additional space? I thought I should let you know because my game is not that big to take up 8 gb storage. It only contains 1 level. So by consumer point of view it look bizare to get a small game that takes 8 gb storage.
bro you dont get it this option only prepares the shaders for your hardware bro everyone is defferent and we want to compile once for every player pc wich is better than the stuttery unreal engine compiler on the go
That’s what I’ve been asking. All games u see now a days, lies of p, hogwarts legacy, last of us pc, they compile shaders at the beginning of the game only. But the mod didn’t got what I’m asking I guess…
yes i do horizon forbidden west does compile shaders and not only on beggining but on every startup ghost of tsushima also compiles shaders like we want call of duty warzone 3 also compiles shaders in the beggining and also fortnite has an option for you to download precompiled game assets also horizon zero dawn all of call of duty games actually all off them isnt that enough for you?
I’m pretty sure packaging without the launcher will not give you an optimal experience, and leaves a lot of gaping holes, like being able to run console commands and not disabling print nodes ( two obvious ones - last time I tried it ).
With the Launcher, I do think a lot is done up front, which possibly explains the size increase that @Jade2619 saw. And the other problems are fixed. But some things will need to be done on the target hardware.