Possible Causes of Disappearing Actor in Networked Game?

Game Info:

  • 2 player co-op puzzle map
  • Peer to peer networking via Steam online subsystem.
  • Client is running on my laptop, the host on my desktop.
  • This example is NOT using LAN.

in this level, the two players get separated, and later see each other across this gap. However, sometimes the following scenarios happen:

  • The client actor is invisible to the server (The host can see both pawns, but the client can only see their own pawn)
  • The client and server actors are invisible to each other (Both players can only see their own pawn)


Where should I start looking to debug this issue? What I have tried so far:

  • I tried setting Always Relevant checked on the character blueprint classes.
  • I tried setting Net Dormancy to never on the character blueprint classes
  • I tried increasing the Net Cull Distance Squared on the character blueprint classes

Resolved. The issue appeared to be unrelated to any particular replication setting.

The problem was that I had an event to open a door after solving a puzzle that was getting called every tick. This involved some RPC calls, which I believe caused significant network congestion.

The ‘door open on server’ code should have only run once. After making it only run once, the actors no longer disappear.

Hi Zcanann,

I am having same problem and can’t find why player disappeared on other clients.
I have posted my question if you can help (Link below). Thank you.