! HELP !Sky diving replication problem or bug?

I am trying to make battle royal. When game starts all character get attached to Airplane then jump from it and fall to ground. When I attach all player to airplane i set character always relevant to true and when player reaches to ground i set character always relevant to false. Airplane is also always relevant. But after reaching to ground client1 disappeared from client0 and same thing happened to all client. But on server everything is there and all character’s collision still there. I don’t know what i am doing wrong. I have attached my blueprint setup below.

I found player disappeared because i dropped him from much higher height like 104000 Z unit.
But if i drop him from lower height then works fine.
Is there any setting like kill z for height ?

it’s not about height.
In my opinion it is a dumbest bug. LOL hope it is bug.

I ll try to explain my best to reproduce this bug. If you try it and happens to you too then let me know. I am using 4.25.4

  • Run game as client in new editor window pie with 2 or 3 or 4 clients. During run time set all character height to +100000 unit in Z at same time on server ( +50000 Z would also work i think) and make all them always network relevant. (Do it in character blueprint only)
  • Then let them fall. and as soon as they stop falling. Set always relevant to false.
  • Now the dumb bug part. If you click play button from character blueprint and character blueprint still open in background then if player hits ground after few sec ( may be like 5 sec ) other clients or other character disappears. BUT if you minimize character blueprint and click play button from level editor than everything still works fine.

Let me know if it is a dumb bug.