Portal Physics Mimicking

Hey yall, I’m working on building a portal mechanic, but specifically I want to be able to interact with objects that are partially between portals. For example, if a log was halfway through a portal, you should be able to interact and push the log from either end of the portal.

One of the big challenges I’m having with this system is being able to simulate physics on both ends. For example, if the log was up against a wall on one side of the portal, pushing from the other side of the portal should result in the log not moving, because it’s up against a wall on the other side. Originally, I thought I might be able to do this with Physics Constraints, but I’m not so sure because the direction of motion is not the same through portals.

Ideally, I want physics on both sides of the portal to mutually affect each other (i.e. neither side “dominates” the other side’s physics). Is there a way to access any information from the physics system to artificially apply the physics of one object to another? So far, my next best idea would be to create invisible barriers which mimic the obstacles of the second portal around the first portal’s object.