[PLUGIN] Blender Cavity Post Process – Great for Cartoon-Style and Stylized Shading

Hello Unreal Community!

We’re excited to announce the release of Cavity And Curvature Post Process, a user-friendly shader plugin now available on the Unreal Marketplace! :tada:

What does it do?
Inspired by Blender’s popular cavity effects, this HLSL Post-Process Shader enhances your scene’s cavities and curvature, making it perfect for toon and stylized shading.
Seamlessly integrate our custom Post-Process Shader to recreate the wonderful effects seen in Blender.

You can also customize the look by combining it with your own Post Process material, giving you full control over the final effect.

:point_right: Check it out on the Marketplace: Cavity Blender Post Process
:movie_camera: Showcase Video: Video
:speech_balloon: For support, join our Discord: Discord Channel

How to Use:

  1. Add the Cavity Post Process Volume to your world from the Unreal Engine editor.
  2. Enable “Infinite Extent (Unbound)” to apply the effect across the entire map, or adjust the bounds for specific areas.
  3. Tweak the volume parameters to achieve your desired toon or stylized look.
  4. Enjoy your scene!