please unlock any scroll locks on rotation and all light settings please

4.27 in Sequence you could scroll infinitely in both directions
now in 5.2 u can only scroll between 0-360 - why for the love of god did u do this ???
Its bad enuff that you cannot go into negatives in the editor details bu tlocking the range in sequencer to 0-360 like how do u animate rotations ?

If i have a complex scene and the object is in the middle of tons of stuff i cant always grab the rotation tool so i do it in sequencer - but if u just want to rotate in a little negative ur screwed ??? - it makes absolutely no sense to randomly make some sliders stop none

especially on the lights - there are so many parameters i never used within the lock u have on them and typing is a complete breaking of focus to let go of mouse and have to look at keyboard - intensity - radius - so many parameters have unneeded locks on them - what you actually should do is put the info on an toggle overlay over the menu
and what the ranges mean there but let people do whatever they want

expotential height fog too those scroll locks make no sense get rid of them all

agreed, this is dumb. Make it work like every other program on the planet.

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@Arcane Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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when is this ever going to get resolved - its gotta be the most ridiculous thing ever - every time i try and animate its a constant battle - how can anyone animate if u cant scroll into the negative ? if i type in the negative then touch it it jumps to 0 - its mindboggling insanity crazy ridiculousness - its like only being able to turn right

@Arcane Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!
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