August 11, 2023, 2:28pm
Here are two other posts talking about the same thing
4.27 in Sequence you could scroll infinitely in both directions
now in 5.2 u can only scroll between 0-360 - why for the love of god did u do this ???
Its bad enuff that you cannot go into negatives in the editor details bu tlocking the range in sequencer to 0-360 like how do u animate rotations ?
If i have a complex scene and the object is in the middle of tons of stuff i cant always grab the rotation tool so i do it in sequencer - but if u just want to rotate in a little negative ur screwe…
A list of the things that are fighting me when building Domus Mortem:
Sequencer resets state even if the cinematic device has a setting to prevent that “keep state” (currently bugged). Because of this, I have to press keep state on almost everything I animate, and I constantly forget which breaks the game on the tests I do. Not a blocker, just annoying.
Weird rotation behavior on sequencers. Quarternion or not, I get cases where the rotation snaps to a point after a keyframe, or things rot…
In this one it is understood by Epic that it’s a thing “that is being worked on” and the first says it was forwarded on to some team by the “stevie-moon” bot. So there’s some hope maybe? who knows
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