Looping cinematic path rotation issue.

So this seems like it should have an obvious solution, but I can’t find it. I’m animating a car driving on a standard oval track in a repeating loop. Using the cinematic device and a cinematic to accomplish this. The problem is, all the turns are to the left, so when it hits the end of the loop, it stitches in the first point in the sequence. This makes the car do a fun little spin to get from -315Z to 35Z. Both are technically the same rotation. Is there any way to get it to revert to the beginning rotation without adding in that spin to get back to the original Z rotation coordinate?

Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

I swear you guys set these bots out to F with us… this isn’t a report, it’s a question on how to do something. There’s nothing to report.

I’ll try to get someone in here to help, @Jimmymoog

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Here are two other posts talking about the same thing

In this one it is understood by Epic that it’s a thing “that is being worked on” and the first says it was forwarded on to some team by the “stevie-moon” bot. So there’s some hope maybe? who knows :slight_smile:

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Its an inherent issue with the UX of UE5 and UEFN. They don’t have the “easiest” solution enabled by default, and the alternative (quaternion interpolation) is an obscure setting in the edit settings of that transform that causes bugs to happen (interpolation snapping mainly and removing keyframe edits) but helps fix your issue.

This fixes it, but you may encounter some other weirdness enabling it


This actually did fix it, thanks! Didn’t notice any issues that spawned from the fix, maybe because it’s a pretty simple animation. @Flak if it helps any teams to know this info, please pass it along.

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