PlayerState->GetPlayerName() char limit???

Hey all, question about OnlineSubsystem and player names. My Steam handle is quite long (21 characters) and upon retrieving the name from PlayerState->GetPlayerName() it’s returned cut off at 20 chars.

At first I thought this was to do with Steam Subsystem, but I renamed my PC to the same 21 chars and even the Null Subsystem only returns the 20 char player name.

I’ve been digging thru the code for online subsystem and can’t find any reason that the name would be returned cut off at a 20 char limit. When the Player connects - the full name comes in, but upon Joining Session it seems that the name is truncated somewhere.

Again I can’t figure out where/why this is happening digging thru any of the Subsystem / Networks code. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Check this thread out from 2004, 6th post down…

Name length limit - Epic Games Forums

Whaaaat?!?! Has this really been there since circa 2004? We have to find this!! It’s like a nerdy easter egg hunt :rofl: