Players have equipment on my map that is set to free-for-all.

I play my zone wars zero build maps with a friend who streams, and his viewers join to play, the problem is that my island is free-for-all and that’s how I have it configured, but sometimes some players have equipment (as if was configured in duos) when it is not and they can revive each other.

Is there any way to solve this error? Likewise, I have the error that at the end of the game there is always no winner, it is always a tie (Several people have this error but it is not very important).

I have seen that on some free for all islands they put them in teams, but does anyone know how to configure this for just one person? I have already tried to put a team and the number of players is 1 but anyway sometimes 2 players enter a team.

@NCreeses Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!

For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here:

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Hey NCreeses,

By equipment are you refering to in the same team ?
equipment is inventory items.

Can you show a few more settings from the Game & Settings tab?

With the Draw, What Round Win Conditions do you have in UI tab?

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If it’s FFA, shouldn’t the Team Size be set to 1 ?

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How are you! Thanks for answering, yes, I’m supposed to have it configured in free-for-all, but sometimes some people put them in with equipment (as if it were configured in duos) this means that they cannot be hurt and they can be revived, I attach images of the settings of my game. I also have the equipment and inventory settings device although in the max initial team size and initial team size ratio options they are set to don’t override.

How are you! Thanks for responding, previously I had team size set to 1 as a solution but the same error occurred and more frequently, which caused them to get into teams of more than 2 people :frowning:

First thing, unrelated is Last Standing Ends Game, turn that off, it will bypass all rounds and end game.
Use an alternative method for ending round, like a player counter device hooked up to an end game device set to end round.

The settings seem OK,

How are your spawnpads, make all of them Team None, especially the island start ones.

do you have any teams settings & inventory on your project ?