Planar Reflection on Translucent mat problem (5.01)

I found this weird problem when I was making my water surface.
Since lumen reflection does not support translucent, I decided to cover it with Planar Reflection.
But it seems like the Planar is somehow reflecting the parts of the objects under the water surface. And here goes this strange looking reflection…
In my project setting I’ve turned on Raytracing and Clip Plane for Planar Relection.

Is this problem a bug? Or I am just using it in a wrong way?

Thanks for helping :slight_smile:

So, I found out that it was the Nanite. Nanite meshes will cause this problem.
Hopfully it is a bug and will be fixed in 5.02 :frowning:

Thank you for the answer! Helped me to fix the similar issue (in 5.03)