Hi, I’ve got some live images to stream onto a dynamically-created texture, but the pixel data format I’m working with is (uncompressed) unsigned char, 3 channel (RGB). I don’t see a UE4 pixel format that matches this. It’s a common format, so I am thinking I must be missing something. I could dynamically add an alpha channel at runtime to make the images PF_R8B8G8A8, but this be a performance hit that I would like to avoid.
Ideally, I am looking for PF_R8B8G8.
Here is the list of pixel format enums, from Runtime/Core/Public/PixelFormat.h:
enum EPixelFormat
PF_Unknown =0,
PF_A32B32G32R32F =1,
PF_B8G8R8A8 =2,
PF_G8 =3,
PF_G16 =4,
PF_DXT1 =5,
PF_DXT3 =6,
PF_DXT5 =7,
PF_FloatRGB =9,
PF_FloatRGBA =10,
PF_DepthStencil =11,
PF_ShadowDepth =12,
PF_R32_FLOAT =13,
PF_G16R16 =14,
PF_G16R16F =15,
PF_G16R16F_FILTER =16,
PF_G32R32F =17,
PF_A2B10G10R10 =18,
PF_A16B16G16R16 =19,
PF_D24 =20,
PF_R16F =21,
PF_BC5 =23,
PF_V8U8 =24,
PF_A1 =25,
PF_FloatR11G11B10 =26,
PF_A8 =27,
PF_R32_UINT =28,
PF_R32_SINT =29,
PF_PVRTC2 =30,
PF_PVRTC4 =31,
PF_R16_UINT =32,
PF_R16_SINT =33,
PF_R16G16B16A16_UINT =34,
PF_R16G16B16A16_SINT =35,
PF_R5G6B5_UNORM =36,
PF_R8G8B8A8 =37,
PF_A8R8G8B8 =38, // Only used for legacy loading; do NOT use!
PF_BC4 =39,
PF_R8G8 =40,
PF_X24_G8 =44, // Used for creating SRVs to alias a DepthStencil buffer to read Stencil. Don't use for creating textures.
PF_ETC1 =45,
PF_ETC2_RGB =46,
PF_R32G32B32A32_UINT =48,
PF_R16G16_UINT =49,
PF_ASTC_4x4 =50, // 8.00 bpp
PF_ASTC_6x6 =51, // 3.56 bpp
PF_ASTC_8x8 =52, // 2.00 bpp
PF_ASTC_10x10 =53, // 1.28 bpp
PF_ASTC_12x12 =54, // 0.89 bpp
PF_BC6H =55,
PF_BC7 =56,
PF_R8_UINT =57,
PF_L8 =58,
PF_XGXR8 =59,
PF_R8G8B8A8_UINT =60,
PF_R8G8B8A8_SNORM =61,
PF_R16G16B16A16_UNORM =62,
PF_R16G16B16A16_SNORM =63,
PF_PLATFORM_HDR_0 =64, // Indicates platform-specific HDR output formats
PF_PLATFORM_HDR_1 =65, // Reserved.
PF_PLATFORM_HDR_2 =66, // Reserved.
PF_NV12 =67,
PF_MAX =68,