Plain RGB8 Texture Type?

Hi, I’ve got some live images to stream onto a dynamically-created texture, but the pixel data format I’m working with is (uncompressed) unsigned char, 3 channel (RGB). I don’t see a UE4 pixel format that matches this. It’s a common format, so I am thinking I must be missing something. I could dynamically add an alpha channel at runtime to make the images PF_R8B8G8A8, but this be a performance hit that I would like to avoid.

Ideally, I am looking for PF_R8B8G8.

Here is the list of pixel format enums, from Runtime/Core/Public/PixelFormat.h:

enum EPixelFormat
	PF_Unknown              =0,
	PF_A32B32G32R32F        =1,
	PF_B8G8R8A8             =2,
	PF_G8                   =3,
	PF_G16                  =4,
	PF_DXT1                 =5,
	PF_DXT3                 =6,
	PF_DXT5                 =7,
	PF_UYVY                 =8,
	PF_FloatRGB             =9,
	PF_FloatRGBA            =10,
	PF_DepthStencil         =11,
	PF_ShadowDepth          =12,
	PF_R32_FLOAT            =13,
	PF_G16R16               =14,
	PF_G16R16F              =15,
	PF_G16R16F_FILTER       =16,
	PF_G32R32F              =17,
	PF_A2B10G10R10          =18,
	PF_A16B16G16R16         =19,
	PF_D24                  =20,
	PF_R16F                 =21,
	PF_R16F_FILTER          =22,
	PF_BC5                  =23,
	PF_V8U8                 =24,
	PF_A1                   =25,
	PF_FloatR11G11B10       =26,
	PF_A8                   =27,
	PF_R32_UINT             =28,
	PF_R32_SINT             =29,
	PF_PVRTC2               =30,
	PF_PVRTC4               =31,
	PF_R16_UINT             =32,
	PF_R16_SINT             =33,
	PF_R16G16B16A16_UINT    =34,
	PF_R16G16B16A16_SINT    =35,
	PF_R5G6B5_UNORM         =36,
	PF_R8G8B8A8             =37,
	PF_A8R8G8B8				=38,	// Only used for legacy loading; do NOT use!
	PF_BC4					=39,
	PF_R8G8                 =40,
	PF_ATC_RGB				=41,
	PF_ATC_RGBA_E			=42,
	PF_ATC_RGBA_I			=43,
	PF_X24_G8				=44,	// Used for creating SRVs to alias a DepthStencil buffer to read Stencil. Don't use for creating textures.
	PF_ETC1					=45,
	PF_ETC2_RGB				=46,
	PF_ETC2_RGBA			=47,
	PF_R32G32B32A32_UINT	=48,
	PF_R16G16_UINT			=49,
	PF_ASTC_4x4             =50,	// 8.00 bpp
	PF_ASTC_6x6             =51,	// 3.56 bpp
	PF_ASTC_8x8             =52,	// 2.00 bpp
	PF_ASTC_10x10           =53,	// 1.28 bpp
	PF_ASTC_12x12           =54,	// 0.89 bpp
	PF_BC6H					=55,
	PF_BC7					=56,
	PF_R8_UINT				=57,
	PF_L8					=58,
	PF_XGXR8				=59,
	PF_R8G8B8A8_UINT		=60,
	PF_R8G8B8A8_SNORM		=61,
	PF_R16G16B16A16_UNORM	=62,
	PF_R16G16B16A16_SNORM	=63,
	PF_PLATFORM_HDR_0		=64,	// Indicates platform-specific HDR output formats
	PF_PLATFORM_HDR_1		=65,	// Reserved.
	PF_PLATFORM_HDR_2		=66,	// Reserved.
	PF_NV12					=67,
	PF_MAX					=68,

There is no such format and hence it can’t be common.

@Deathrey Here it is in all of UE4’s underlying RHI implementations: Vulkan, OpenGL, and DirectX


It’s a common format, but it’s hidden in UE4 for some unknown reason.

This is something that’s bugging me as well. I’m not sure if it has something to do with being able to “compress texture without alpha” checkbox, but I’m missing a lot of info regarding this. Is picking pixel format in any way related to compression or not since we can pick even the compressed types. Does this mean uncompressed RGB and if so why should unreal allow only all of the 4 channels and using those also in “official” assets even though the alpha is not being used anywhere. The whole handling of textures is weird in some situations. Sometimes they update when you change something related to format, sometimes they don’t.

Its common. Just that Unreal doesn’t use it