Hi, I want to use Lens Flare and when I turned on it looks very pixelated and low Quality. I did set the Scalability Settings to Cinematic, and don´t fix it. How can I get a good quality lens flare efect?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, I want to use Lens Flare and when I turned on it looks very pixelated and low Quality. I did set the Scalability Settings to Cinematic, and don´t fix it. How can I get a good quality lens flare efect?
Thanks in advance.
Same here
Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m getting nasty pixelation in both the directional light itself and the lens flare.
That was the solution…
Thank you for posting a helpful workaround, but I don’t think it’s a full solution. Both OP’s lens flare and sun are pixelated, and the bokeh change can reduce the impact of the lens flare pixelation but doesn’t address the underlying sun pixelation. I expect the default bokeh can look better than it does here and that something is missing.
Could be, not sure how…
What I’m experiencing isn’t a problem with the lens flare texture, and perhaps not OP either given that their sun is also very pixelated. Both my sun and lens flares are very pixelated any time light shafts are enabled, and replacing the bokeh texture with a 512px circular texture I made achieves marginal improvement, but they’re still both very pixelated.
Yes, I understand. I’m sorry, I only had a pixelated flare texture. I don’t know about the rest…
For a better sundisk, you might want go into your post process volume, and in the Bloom, switch from standard to convolution:
For the Bokeh or lens flare, i noticed with imported lens flare textures, that they somehow were set to No Mipmaps in their texture settings, and that they looked better, if i returned them to the default mipmap “FromTextureGroup”, or any mipmap setting.
i just increased size to make it more visible, was still pixelated with it´s default size/scale
Maybe they messed up something there.
Edit: ok, maybe that was a bad idea with the mipmap, because the moment, i used mipmap and returned the scale to the default, it looked way worse than before ^.^ -.-´
Edit 2: For Mipmap settings, “FromTextureGroup”, and Texture Group “Bokeh” seems to work well, for Lens flare settings in the PP, Bokeh size 6 and Intensity scaled down to 0.15 seems to work better.