Physic constraints works different in UE5.5

Hi! I have upgraded project to UE5.5.1 from UE5.3.2 and notice that physics constraints don’t affect objects.
I developing a racing game with hover vehicles. To stabilize the hover, I spawn stable cube actor under hover and connect them by physics constraint. In UE5.3 constraints are broken after the hover starts moving, but it remain stable - even if collide with high speed, it ignore impulse and stays at impact location. In UE5.5 - constraint are also broken after moving, but it not affect the hover. On collision hover are thrown off the road.

I checked all properties of physics category in hover static mesh and didn’t find what exactly changes when setting physics constraints.

What difference in logic of physics constraints between UE5.3 and UE5.5?

Hello! I made a physics constrained grab system and I upgraded the project from 5.3 to 5.5 it works akwardly, but I mannaged to fix it somehow. I just have a problem with breaking constraints as it will bug out the whole object. I don’t know what is wrong but at least I comment so this will hopefully get more traction.