PBR material with masks setup.

Hey guys,

I’m trying to use these PBR textures in UE4 material editor, but the usual way I implement those is not working. I have no clue, could you help me with that one?
Here are the textures and the final result:


And here is my setup and my results:


It’s not so bumpy as one on the website. There are two masks included which I did not use. How to use them?
Thanks for any help!

To clarify, I have no idea how to use the masks which are probably important with this one. Here is a screenshot of available bitmaps:

With the greyscale textures connect the red (or any other color) channel pin instead of the color pin to the properties. Or combine them and use the appropriate channels.

Normal map seems to be correct.

Click your “M_Fabric09” node and in the options on the left enable tesselation if you want to use world displacement. If you want parallax mapping or parallax occlusion mapping instead those have different nodes.