Path Tracer black squares on final render PROBLEM

When I was rendering with Path Tracer the final image had black squares. Does anyone have the same problem?

It is a Lens Flare bug. Switch it off in the camera and/or the Post Process Volume

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Thank you. I will try!

Best, i

Any luck here? Did you manage to get rid of those black tiles, as Im having the same issue (Unreal 5.2)

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Same here 5.3 … no lens flare enabled.

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So I got rid of the black squares as soon as I disabled one specific light (rect light). Also you can try changing the angle of it slightly. For me it was more or less facing the camera. All other lights in the scene are not taking any influence for me.

Setting the bloom method to convolution fixed it for me.

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This solved the problem for me too! Thank you