Path specification for dll files

Hello, everyone!

I am working on a project and am having trouble resolving an error about it.

It builds a 3rd party library itself and generates a dll file. It then references an external file from that dll file to do some processing.

At this time, it tries to access the external file by specifying the absolute path from the dll file, but it succeeds in the editor, but when I package it, it fails to load the file. The code I am specifying is as follows.

bool load_dictionary_resource(Param *param) {
std::string rcfile = param->getstd::string(“rcfile”);

rcfile = “c:\Users\******\Documents\hinan\mecabrc”;

if (!param->load(rcfile.c_str())) {
return false;

std::string dicdir = param->getstd::string(“dicdir”);
if (dicdir.empty()) {
dicdir = “.”; // current
replace_string(&dicdir, “$(rcpath)”, rcfile);
param->setstd::string(“dicdir”, dicdir, true);
dicdir = create_filename(dicdir, DICRC);

if (!param->load(dicdir.c_str())) {
return false;

return true;

I am trying to specify an absolute path through the dll file with code like this, but it does not work.

I would like to know why this does not work.
Thank you in advance for your help.