Path Follow plugin

UE 4.15 version released on the Marketplace.

Release notes:
New: Inverse rotation on reverse if enabled
New: UseSpeedCurve now writable from BP

Bugfix: LinearStable rotation interpolation returned rotation in world space instead of local space
Bugfix: Proper default initialization for controlled components
Bugfix: Crash in StandaloneGame play mode
Bugfix: Delta rotation (when rotating rotation point) is always applied in local space
Bugfix: Long lasting bug with keeping reference to edited follower component
Bugfix: Crash when setting path to follow to null during simulation (event point and callbacks processing)

Grab your copy here!



sorry for the delay. The issue is fixed in 4.15 update.


I try use Get Rotation at Distance, but always get (0,0,0).
I change coord World and Local is useless.
Does it actual work?

How can I add this to a source code based engine? I read one comment that you said all of the source code is included…where is it?


the source is under the plugin directory. Just go to your UE4 installation folder (usually c:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\UE_4.15\Engine) and plugins sources are under “Plugins\Marketplace\PathFollow\Source”. Just copy whole PathFollow folder under your project or engine plugins folder and you should be good to go.


Awesome thank you!

Hello, can u update your Example files to 4.15 engine version? I can’t run them bcoz plugin itself is 4.15 and those examples builded on 4.14 doesnt run at all, errors on start and “try rebuild manually”-stuff appears. I’ll be very appreciated if u update those example-files becouse it is very hard to understand something without example project for such beginner as me.

I have a pawn moving on a path. I want to toss a ball and if it get close enough to pawn, it will spawn an animation and break off path. Is this possible?

sorry for the delay.
Will update the example project today. In the mean time you can just RMB on PathFollowExamples.uporject -> Switch Unreal Engine version -> choose 4.15 version.



sure, possible. You can stop/pause following of a path at any time and execute any logic afterwards.


Is there any documentation on how to start the path following with the click of a button or trigger? Would this be in the demo level? I need to know how to press a button and then the follower starts to complete the path. Any help would be appreciated.

There is example project with that functionality. Look for PathFollowExamples zip file in example projects folder here: MEGA


I have 3 animations. One is man running backwards (back pedaling). The other is man turning around to run forward then lastly the third is man running. I have I inputted these transitions by way of “creating events” in the path with an animation override. My issue is that they are happening to quickly and not easing into the next animation. I am using the “advanced locomotion animepack” that has transition animations. How can I ease into and out of them while using path follow to make a natural looking motion?

This is outside PathFollow functionality. If you’d like to blend animations you need to create animation blueprint and blend those using blendspaces (Blend Spaces in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation).


4.16 version of the plugin has just been submitted to Epic. Will update the thread once released on the marketplace. Happy following:)

Hello! I upgraded my game to 4.16 and I once I installed it - I don’t see “Add To Project.” Is there any fix or solution known? I do see it “enabled” in the plug-ins.

Hi ,
Please help me on a vehicle created with your movements in ue4 and I need to add this plugin to make a simple linear path. I have purchased this plugin in the marketplace and can not find a way to link my functional vehicle with this spline. If I had some tutorial to explain, I would appreciate it a lot!

Hi jiri
I needed to ask you for help on a topic that I do not understand and I want to know if it can be done.
I have an animated object that is located in the spline, and I need it at a time in the course, this object will enlarge in size as if using the scalar tool inside the editor, but in this case it must be within the spline path that Produce an increase in size. Can this be achieved? Thank you so much for being!

Hi…Just looking this plugin. If I wanted to have an AI character go to a location, stop, look both ways then start again, would this plugin do that?

Any news for 4.17?
