I have a struct which allows users to select an actor, plus a socket on said actor if sockets are
struct FLocationOptions
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere)
AActor* Actor;
UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, meta = (GetOptions = "GetSocketNames"))
FName SocketName;
Struct as variable:
FLocationOptions LocationOptions;
GetSocketNames Function:
//if LocationOptions.Actor is valid etc etc etc
return LocationOptions.Actor->GetAllSocketNames();
Now this works great as long as I only have one variable instance of the struct, as it always access the LocationOptions variable. However, if I were to add another variable of the same FLocationOptions type, it would still use the variable LocationOptions. Is there a way to either pass a variable through the GetOptions meta specifier, or a way to tell which variable has called the GetOptions meta specifier function?