Parts of Map are fully shadowed on AMD device but not Nvidia

Hi all!

I am playing around a bit with graphics and lighting settings in Lumen. My partner and I are seeing different views/shadows on our 2 separate devices. My partner (ComputerA) has an Nvidia card and I (ComputerB) have an AMD card if that might make a difference.
We have something in our game settings menu that sets the variable “r.DynamicGlobalIlluminationMethod” to either 0 or 1, 0 being off and 1 to use Lumen per this doc:

On computerA with lumen on (set to 1):

On computerB with lumen on (set to 1):

On computerB, the side of this platform and many other areas are completely shadowed out.
When lumen is off (set to 0) both devices show this which just looks like a crappier version of what it should be:
I also do not need help for why it looks bad with this off, just wanted to show the comparison.

What is causing these issues on computerB, or does anyone have any insight as to why this would be happening with the same game files. I should also note that this occurs in editor as well as in a built game.

I was also able to confirm that this occurs on multiple AMD machines and no Nvidia machines

Any help or insight is appreciated!
Thank you!

I was able to resolve this with an extra console command.
You can fix by using “r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.Filtering.WaveOps 0”

What version are you on? This bug should be fixed from 5.2.

This issue was occurring on 5.2

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