From the 4.15 Content Examples, I had migrated the particle shown in the picture below into my own project.
The particle works fine in the Content Examples (Colliding with the spheres beneath it, in the Effects level), but I can’t get it to collide with static meshes or landscapes in my own level.
Hi, thanx for the reply, I’m a big fan of your work!
The particle settings are identical, I have compared them side by side with the one in the in the Content Examples. Turning on Generate Mesh Distance Field didn’t solve the problem after restarting the editor.
I must add: I created a new level and added some static meshes, the particle collided just fine. then i compared the world settings, but the world settings are identical aswell. The issue occurs on a level with a giant landscape instead of BSP’s.
I forgot to mention that this problem also occured on 4.14.
It would have been nice if you shown us the particle setup, as something must have changed.
make sure the emitter doesnt have local space enabled.
go to the projects settings, rendering menu and in the lighting tab you will see the “generate mesh distance field” option, turn it on, restart unreal.
are the first two things that come to mind though.
Under the collision(scene depth) settings in the particle, I changed the setting from Scene Depth to Distance Field. (because you came up with the idea to enable the Generate Mesh Distance Field setting) That solved my problem partially. The particle collides with static meshes now but not with characters.
However: I’m very happy with the results! Thanx for your input! <3