Hello. Whenever I try to view a particle emitter in the editor at any time it crashes. For example, if I double click on the p_explosion particle, it seems like it tries to load Cascade, but it then locks up my computer and the editor crashes. If I try to drag it onto the scene, that also causes a crash. Finally, if I try to spawn emitter in the scene using blueprint, it crashes.
Thank you for your report. I will begin investigation into this issue as soon as possible. If I am unable to reproduce the problem, or I need more information, I or another staff member will follow up with some additional questions for you. Otherwise, I will post an ‘Answer’ once I have logged the issue in our bug database or we have a solution for it.
In the meantime, please be sure to review our suggestions for how to report a bug, and feel free to edit your post if you have additional information to provide:
Can you go ahead and please upload your DXDIAG and Crash Logs? The Crash logs can be found at C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\[Directory corresponding to time of your crash]\
I’ve tried to upload both the log and dmp files but the attachment tool keeps telling me that the file type is not allowed. Is there another place I should be uploading these?
Can you also upload a copy of your DXDIAG.txt? You can get that by typing DXDIAG into the Windows search programs and files field, and clicking on the resulting icon in the Start Menu. If you have an ATI card can you also look and let me know what Catalyst Control Panel version number you are using?
I haven’t been able to reproduce this crash internally here, but I am still experimenting.
Can you later today update your 4.4.1 release to the newest hot fix which should be 4.4.3 and test to make sure that you are still getting this crash, if so please one last time upload your crash logs.
Can you try to close everything running in Windows then opening the editor and see if you can still get the crash on opening a particle system? You do not to reupload your crash logs, just confirm that it does still crash. Can you also confirm that this is any particle system provided with starter content you cannot open and have you tired to open the Effects level in the Content Example map?
I am going to have some of our engineers look through your logs but I want to give them some comparison logs from your CPU. Could you open a particle system or the Content Examples in 4.3 and then go into your project folder\saved\logs and upload those logs as well?
Can you try to go into your project directory before starting the engine and deleting the DerivedDataCache folder as well as the one found in /UE4/Engine/?
See if this fixes your issue, note that it will take a while to load the engine teh first time after deleting these folders as it rebuilds them
Thanks for the info. We’re still looking into the problem, thanks for your patience. As a workaround, one thing that could potentially work may be to make a copy of the emitter and try to add that to your scene. We’ll be in touch with more information soon.