Particle emitters cause editor to crash

So, it’s crashing inside of AMD’s driver, but I’m unsure why as I can’t seem to grab useful information from the dump file (it doesn’t match up with our symbol information for that particular build, which is strange). I’ll keep trying - in the meantime, could you try to run with -D3DDebug in the command line and post the log file here?


So I wasn’t sure exactly what you meant with the command line. I tried two things: 1) I created a shortcut of the Unreal Engine Project File for my 4.4 project then added -D3DDebug to the end of the target. I then launched the editor by double clicking on the altered shortcut. The attachment Test1 shows the log file from that crash after I added an effect. 2) I opened the editor with the 4.4 project and hit play. I then hit ` to open the console in the game and typed in -D3DDebug. I then hit escape to get out of play and added an effect. Test2 attached is the crash report from that attempt.

I should add that the second time the editor did last a second longer than normal before crashing, but I still wasn’t able to see any smoke from the effect when I placed it in the scene. Probably nothing, but thought I’d add it anyway.

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Hey jeffym85 -

We still have not been able to identify why the AMD driver is crashing the engine, but I want to try some basic “fix all” solutions which might get you up and running.

First Uninstall the UE4 Engine and reboot your CPU if necessary

Second, Uninstall all AMD drivers follow the directions found here,

Third, Reboot your CPU if you did not have to after the second step

Fourth, Install the latest version of the AMD Driver, use the Automatic Detect and Install option found here,

Fifth, Once the new AMD driver and Catalyst are installed correctly and after any reboot that may be necessary, download a install the latest version of the Unreal Engine 4.

After all of that, please see if you are still crashing when opening a particle system

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Did all of that and it still crashed. Attached is the new log.

Have you had other issues of this type from other users? Could it be specific to the r9 290 card?
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Any progress on this? It’s inhibiting many of the elements I want to add to my projects… and I’m paying $20 per month for it.

Hey jeffym85 -

Are you having any issues with the graphics card with other programs? Black Screens when you play games on it?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

No problems with any games elsewhere. Tomb Raider/Dirt 3/Sleeping Dogs etc. all work great.

Hey jeffym85 -

What is your card’s (not the Editor) Anti-Aliasing settings? Are you running TXAA, FXAA, MSAA? Try disabling and see if you can then view particles. Also try disabling in the editor with a post process volume set to no AA.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Video card settings below.

Hey jeffym85 -

Can you go to C:\Windows\System32 and look for the atidxx64.dll file and let me know what the file size is?

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

It’s 10.5mb (10,573kb).

By the way, the program crashes constantly, not just when I bring in particles. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the crashing either. Just now, it crashed while I was importing a static mesh. Attachedlink text is the callstack.

It actually won’t let me import it at all. It just crashes every time I hit import. I attached the FBX just so you can check to make sure that’s not what is actually causing the crash. link text

Hey jeffym85 -

With this latest crash I can at least tell you it is an error with the new Automatic Unwrap tool. I have submitted a bug report on it and will let you know as our engineers look further into the issue.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

Looks like 4.5.1 fixed it. I can now bring particles in to my projects. Thanks for helping me through this.