why particles systems get disappear when I eject from the player in the editor?
why particles systems get disappear when I eject from the player in the editor?
Hey there AAriyAA,
could you provide a little more info for me? How are you placing them into your level? Are they particle systems you created yourself or starter content? Any type of screenshots you think would be helpful, feel free to attach.
Hi Sam.
For example, I add P_Pixel_Explosion_Enemy from content example to my project.
when my projectile hit it spawn with using UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(), everything is working fine during runtime but when I eject from the first player in the editor to check particle closer distance its get disappear, and I did not change anything from the particle.
Okay, so that particle is not set to loop so it is not going to go off if you just place it in your level. Also, with the current way that your mechanics are set up, there is no way you’ll be able to shoot (which then spawns the particle) if you do not control (or possess) your character.
I hope this helps, let me know if anything is unclear. But, for a better representation. Create another project and drag and drop the “sparks” particle system from the Starter Content file. then press play and eject possession. The sparks should still be there.
yes, but enemies can shoot at the first player when I eject from the first player…