Paper2d sprite color problem

hello people, i have currently a problem with my game and 2D
Here is the normal gameplay mode

here is the unlit mode wich is far better in my opinion

my question is how could i reproduce that? or is this just a bug i cant find anything on internet about this please help me im out of idea

What is the problem? If something looks better or worse is a human preference.

Unlit mode is more likely to preserve your exact colors because the lighting will not interfere with them. If you use lit mode it depends on the shading how the end results look, which is a mix of reflection, shadows etc.

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is there a way to make the sprite not interfere with the lightning?

Paper2D sprites use a material. if you open the asset you can choose for the unlit paper material.

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i really cant find the way to match the color with what you are saying, i try but it still stay grey instead of white